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Morrowind:Generic Dialogue W

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War of the First Council
"The first government of all Morrowind was called the First Council, comprised of representatives from all the Dunmer Great Houses. This First Council mobilized to suppress a civil war. A rebel house, House Dwemer, joined with Nord and Orc clans to invade northern Morrowind. The rebels, invaders, and a traitor house, House Dagoth, were finally defeated and destroyed at the Battle of Red Mountain. See Agrippa Fundilius' book, The War of the First Council, for a more complete account."
Weapon Repair


"Nothing to it. Just get yourself an armorer's hammer and start banging away. Of course, you don't literally use the hammer on a blade's edge. Unless you're a barbarian. The 'armorer's hammer' is just a package deal, a complete portable kit for maintaining your armor and weapons in the field. And my advice is pay a smith to do your repairs unless you have a decent skill as an armorer." (Disposition 30)
Weapon Types


"Short blades include the dagger, tanto, shortsword, and wakizashi. Long blades include the broadsword, saber, longsword, katana, claymore, and dai-katana. Blunt weapons include the club, staff, mace, morningstar, and warhammer. Axes include the war axe and battle axe. Spears include spears and halberds. Marksman weapons include short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing star, and throwing knife. Bows shoot arrows; crossbows shoot bolts. Use of each weapon type relies on a different skill." (Disposition 30)
"What? Don't even mention such vile things."
"Fewer and fewer of these beasts have been seen on the island since the Mortrag Glacier fell."
"Horrible creatures! This many have not been seen in generations. Their appearance can only be a sign of dangerous things to come."
"They are perversions. Man was not meant to live a dual life as both rational being and animal. These beasts are evil and dangerous, but they are also very rare. More have been seen in recent times, though."
"Horrible, horrible.... I hope I never see such a creature again."
"I don't believe they exist. I mean, I know they did at one point, but I've been told that they were hunted to extinction."
"People who actually turn INTO wolves? They sound worse than the berserkers!"
West Gash
"The western highlands of Vvardenfell are called the West Gash. The largest settlements are the trading village of Gnisis, north of Ald'ruhn, and Caldera and Balmora to the south. The fishing villages of Ald Velothi and Khuul lie on the north coast. Muckspunge grows there, and I have collected chokeweed and roobrush as well."
"The herds of the Ashlanders of Urshilaku camp graze on the sparse but hardy highland vegetation of the West Gash."
"The main settlements in the West Gash are Gnisis, Ald Velothi and Khuul to the north coast, and Caldera and Balmora in the south."
"The West Gash region goes from the Sea of Ghosts on the northwest coast to the town of Balmora, where the region is sandwiched between the Bitter Coast and the Ashlands."
"The western highlands of Vvardenfell are called the West Gash."
Who to talk to
"Smiths know about weapons and armor, and how to repair them. Clothiers know about clothes. Enchanters know about enchanting and enchanted items. Ashlanders know about ashlands ecology and geography. Nobles can tell you about the Great Houses. Priests know about cults and shrines. Savants know about history, speechcraft, and language. Sorcerers know about daedra. Barbarians know about creatures. Mages know about undead. Miners know about eggmines and kwama. Scouts know about places, and how to reach them."
"Wickwheat is a wild Ashland grain with modest magical properties that grows in the Grazelands."
Widow Vabdas
"Her land is prime for our expansion plans here."
"She lives in her hut, just outside the village to the west, along the river. Her husband died recently in the eggmine. It's a shame."
"Wolves are one of the most blessed of the All-Maker's creations. They are fast and agile, and they are careful and clever hunters."
"I knew someone who tried to tame a wolf once. He used to raise guars so he thought he could use the same techniques. You know what? It almost worked...well, no, actually, it didn't work at all. The idiot owed me money, too."
"They're all over this island. Some travel in packs, which makes them especially dangerous. I've heard some carry disease, as well."
"I've heard there are rare white wolves around, but never actually seen one myself."
"You'll find them all over this island. Be careful, though. Some of them carry diseases!"
Woman with a dagger
"A Dunmer woman, in a skirt and netch leather armor? With a dagger? No. Haven't seen anyone like that. But I recall someone -- maybe one of the sewer cleaners -- saying something about seeing a Dunmer woman down in the Underworks. Not that odd, really, though Dunmer are not seen as much in the Foreign Quarter. But in the Underworks. That's odd. Nothing down there but rats and sewers."
"A Dunmer woman, in a skirt and netch leather armor? With a dagger? No. Haven't seen anyone like that."
Worn armor


"As it wears out, armor becomes less effective. Broken armor is completely useless until you repair it, but worn armor stops only a fraction of the damage that new or well-maintained armor does. Learn the basics of armor repair, and go over your armor, piece by piece, before every big battle. Or visit a smith regularly to keep your armor in good shape." (Disposition 30)
Worn Weapons


"Weapons become less effective with wear. Eventually they break, and are useless until you repair them, but a worn weapon does only a fraction of the damage it should do. You'll hack and stab and slash away, and suddenly realize you're doing almost nothing to your enemy. So learn the basics of weapon repair, and touch up your weapons before every big fight, or pay a smith to keep your weapons in top shape." (Disposition 30)
"Old Imperial fellow? Legion veteran? Named Wulf? No. Nobody like that up here that I remember. Don't remember any old legion veterans here at all. Not in a VERY long time. I could be wrong, but I don't think so."