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Morrowind:Crassius Curio

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Crassius Curio (crassius curio)
(lore page)
Home City Vivec
Location Curio Manor, Hlaalu Canton
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 21 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 159 Magicka 144
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Essential Yes
Faction(s) House Hlaalu Councilman(Councilman)
Crassius Curio

Crassius Curio is an Imperial noble and a Councilor of the Great House Hlaalu, who owns a manor in the Hlaalu Plaza of Vivec. To become Hlaalu Hortator, part of completing the Fourth Trial in the Main Quest, he may request that you give him a kiss, and will also refuse to sponsor you in Great House Hlaalu until you undress for him. He will ask these favors regardless of your gender.

Curio is rumored to be a great patron of arts, having commissioned some artists to do a mural for him. Curio is also a writer, having written the plays "The Lusty Argonian Maid" and "The Dance Of The Three-Legged Guar" (which does not appear in the game). He wants to start a theater troupe and likes to be called "Uncle Crassius." He owns a copy of the rare skill book Lord Jornibret's Last Dance. Despite his eccentric qualities, Crassius is one of the few in House Hlaalu who is truly against corruption. Many of his quests deal with ending the corrupt reign of Odral Helvi in Caldera, during which you can either complete the shady quests according to Helvi's orders or ask Crassius what to do.

He wears an extravagant shirt with matching pants and shoes. He carries a copy of his play, The Lusty Argonian Maid. Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows the following spells: Resist Fire, Seryn's Gift, Cure Poison, Balyna's Antidote, and Free Action.

Quests Given[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]



  • Greetings:
    • "Yes, I'm Crassius Curio, but you can call me Uncle Crassius."
    • "I'm so glad to see you again, %PCName."
    • "You want me to be your sponsor in House Hlaalu? I thought you'd never ask... But first, I want to see who I'm dealing with. Show Uncle Crassius what you have to offer. That's right, don't be shy." Goodbye
    • "Come on, dumpling, don't be shy. Just do this one little favor for Uncle Crassius." Goodbye
    • [Disposition +4.] "Yes, I see we're going to get along just splendidly, sweetie-pie. You'll go far with my support. You're now a %NextPCRank of House Hlaalu."
    • "Well, if you are the Nerevarine, why haven't you fulfilled the prophecies? Surely you haven't forgotten. You haven't done something foolish, have you? You mustn't be shy, dumpling. I've heard that Archcanon Tholer Saryoni, the high priest of the Temple, is VERY upset, and that he is hoping that you will come speak to him at the High Fane here in Vivec City. Maybe that would be a good idea. Don't you think?" (During Hlaalu Hortator, if PC's reputation is ≥ 50 and level is ≥ 20)
    • "I'm glad you stopped by, %PCName. I may have some business to discuss with you."
    • "Have you done any more business with Odral Helvi? If he asks you to do something suspicious, keep me informed, and I will reward you, pudding."

  • Advancement:
    • "I can't advance you if you don't belong to House Hlaalu, can I dear?"
    • "No one questions your unshakable dedication to House Hlaalu, dumpling, but you need to work on those skills."
    • "You'll still have to earn your advancement, dumpling. No, no, no, you can't just wiggle that snug little waist and change my mind this time."
    • "You're an ideal candidate, dumpling, with all the skills we Hlaalu look for... But you just haven't done enough favors for me and the others in House Hlaalu."
  • business:
    • "I can't talk about business to anyone who doesn't belong to House Hlaalu, sweetie."
    • "Speak with Odral Helvi in Caldera. Turn your charms on him, sweetie, and talk about business. If you feel his request is questionable, speak with me for further directions. Keep Uncle Crassius well informed, and I'll reward you."
    • "You're doing well, dumpling. Just speak with Odral Helvi again and keep me informed."
  • Crassius Curio:
    • "Ah, yes. That is my name. But it sounds like music when you say it."
  • Dram Bero:
    • "Dram Bero is very secretive. He lives somewhere here in Vivec."
  • Hlaalu Hortator:
    • "A Hortator is a Great House war leader. It's an ancient tradition, seldom invoked in modern times."
    • Ask how a Hortator is chosen.
    • Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator.
      • "You want to be Hortator? A pity. Orvas Dren does NOT want you to be Hortator. And very few councilors would be willing to risk Ser Dren's disapproval. But if you were to give me a small gift of 1000 drakes, I might reconsider."
      • Give Curio 1000 drakes.
        • "What a thoughtful gift! How did you know? Gold! It's just what I wanted. And now it's time for YOUR gift... And I have just what you want. In my formal capacity as councilor of House Hlaalu, I give you my vote for the title of Hortator. Perhaps I can also give you a little suggestion?"
      • Stall for time.
        • "Please! Take your time, my little flower. What is a little time between such intimate friends?"
      • (If disposition ≥ 70) "You want to be Hortator? A pity. Orvas Dren does NOT want you to be Hortator. And very few councilors would be willing to risk Ser Dren's disapproval. But your eloquent passion, your exiquisite vulnerability moves me to risk all, and defy Orvas Dren. Yes, sweetie, I will name you Hortator. But I have something to ask of you..."
      • Continue
      • "Will you give me... a kiss?"
      • Oh, all right...
        • "How tender and thoughtful! You've made me the happiest fellow in Vivec. And now, pumpkin, it's time for YOUR gift... And I have just what you want. In my formal capacity as Councilor of House Hlaalu, I give you my vote for the title of Hortator. Perhaps I can also give you a little suggestion?"
      • Stall for time.
        • "Please! Take your time, my little flower. What is a little time between such intimate friends?"
    • "You certainly won my vote. Just use your charms on the other Hlaalu councilors. I'm sure you can get them to give you anything your precious little heart desires."
    • "All the councilors agree? Splendid! I'm so happy for you! What an honor! But no more than you deserve, pumpkin. And now, I have a little treat for you. It's a belt given to the Hortator of House Hlaalu. Just snug it around that supple little waist. Now, I know that you have important things to do, but don't be a stranger. Don't neglect poor, lonely Uncle Crassius, your devoted admirer."
    • "You are the Hortator of House Hlaalu, %PCName."
  • little suggestion:
    • "I am sure you can persuade Dram Bero to support you as Hortator... if you can find him. Orvas Dren has Nevena Ules and Velanda Omani in his pocket. You might want to make a little trip to the Dren Plantation before talking to them. And then there's Yngling Half-Troll."
  • Nevena Ules:
    • "She lives in Ules Manor, near Suran. Just take the road north out of Suran, cross the bridge heading west, and look for a manor south of the road."
  • Orvas Dren:
    • "He is the head of the Camonna Tong and lives in a plantation in the Ascadian Isles. You may be able to bribe him or trick him. He despises the Empire, and I have heard rumors that he has made some kind of a deal with the Sixth House."
  • sealed orders:
    • "So he asked you to deliver orders to Tenusi Lladri instead of Baren Alen, the Treasury clerk? This is interesting. Give the orders to me instead, pudding, and I will take care of everything."
      • Here they are. [Disposition +15; Treasury Orders has been removed from your inventory; 500 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "Good, good. Now we have some proof of Odral's corruption, but it takes time for the wheels of law to turn. I will make sure these orders are... edited, sealed, and delivered to Tenisi Lladri. For being a sweetie and keeping me informed, why not take this gift of 500 drakes? Buy yourself something pretty for Uncle Crassius."
    • "You've already given me the orders, pudding."
      • Nevermind. "Well, I wouldn't advise giving them to Tenisi Lladri. You don't know what you might get involved in. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, dumpling."
  • theater troupe
    • "A company of players, yes! I would love to be able to form a company to put on my new play. But there are so few in the area willing to act, even for a good price. Of course, I need an actor with wit, gace, charm, and a firm... oh, never mind. You wouldn't be a bad choice, muffin, but you seem to have other matters to attend to. If you see someone else who fits the bill, send them to Uncle Crassius!"
    • new play
      • [The Lusty Argonian Maid has been added to your inventory.] "It is almost completed. I call it 'The Lusty Argonian Maid'. It's a rather bawdy tale, but I think it will play well with the people. Be sweet to Uncle Crassius, and there's something in it for you, sweetcake. Here, take a look at some of the work so far. I think it's scrumptious!"
  • Velanda Omani:
    • "Councilor Velanda Omani lives outside Vivec on Elmas Island. Take the bridge to the mainland from Telvanni Compound, then turn south and cross the bridge to Elmas Island. The path from the south end of the bridge leads right to Omani Manor."
  • Vassir-Didanat Mine:
    • "Oh? How interesting. Alas, Vassir-Didanat is outside my jurisdiction. You might want to talk to Velanda Omani or Dram Bero."
  • Yngling Half-Troll:
    • "Yngling Half-Troll is a foreigner like me, but he simply doesn't understand the Dunmer like I do. If you were to dispose of him, the other councilors would not be upset. If you kill any of the rest of us, of course, it is a different story. He lives in Yngling Manor in the St. Olms Canton."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Erroneous Document[edit]

"Have you done any more business with Odral Helvi? If he asks you to do something suspicious, keep me informed, and I will reward you, pudding.

  • business
    • "You're doing well, dumpling. Just speak with Odral Helvi again and keep me informed."

After speaking with Odral Helvi and receiving his request to swap a land deed out from the Hlaalu Treasury with a forgery, you may bring this to Crassius's attention.

  • erroneous document
    • "Give me the old land deed, pudding, and Uncle Crassius will take care of everything."
      • Give him Odral's land deed.
        • "Don't trouble your sweet little head over this anymore. If you don't have the original land deed, you'll still need to fetch that for Odral. When you speak with him again, turn your irresistible charms on him some more. Don't let him suspect a thing. And take this little present from me. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you." [Odral's Land Deed has been removed from your inventory.] [Amulet of Domination has been added to your inventory.]
      • Keep Odral's land deed.
        • "I just love it when you tease me, dumpling."

Asking him once more after giving the document to him:

  • erroneous document
    • "Don't worry your pretty little head about it. I'll take care of everything."

Rent and Taxes[edit]

"Have you done any more business with Odral Helvi? If he asks you to do something suspicious, keep me informed, and I will reward you, pudding.

  • business
    • "You're doing well, dumpling. Just speak with Odral Helvi again and keep me informed."
  • rent and taxes
    • "A few drakes is nothing to one as worldly as you or I, dumpling. The farmers may not have five drakes to spare, much less fifty, and I suspect Odral merely wants them killed. Here, take these 500 drakes for keeping me informed and pay the rent yourself. Don't risk your succulent skin trying to find the farmers."
    500 Gold has been added to your inventory.

Speaking to him again after accepting his payment:

  • rent and taxes
    • "Take the gold I just gave you and pay Odral Helvi yourself. Keep me informed of his actions and I will reward you."


  • When asked about latest rumors, Nalasa Salothren will say, "You know, you look just like that special friend of Crassius Curio that everyone was talking about. Wonder what ever happened to him? You know, come to think of it, all of Curio's companions have looked like that. If you run into Curio, I'd be careful if I was [sic] you."
  • Crassius Curio also appears in the Houses of Morrowind card expansion for Legends, as the card Crassius' Favor.


  • Crassius Curio thanks you for killing Reynel Uvirith if you aren't Hlaalu, and his disposition towards you improves.
  • If you are over level 20, he will ask you "Well. If you are the Nerevarine, why haven't you..." even after Dagoth Ur has been defeated.
  • He will sometimes offer to be your sponsor even at Hlaalu rank Retainer. The conditions for triggering this bug are unknown, but it might be necessary to first trigger the bug 'Join House Redoran or Telvanni and Hlaalu'. ?