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Lore talk:Where Were You ... Dragon Broke

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World info?[edit]

Apart from this book, does anything in any of the games at all mention the "Dragon Break?" All I've ever seen or heard about it is this book, and it seems pretty obscure in its own right. -Itachi 20:08, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

Just found the article - I was searching in the wrong places. -Itachi 20:12, 1 February 2010 (UTC)
The Warp in the West, the Dragon Break Reexamined, The Sermons of Vivec, and several more I'm forgetting.Temple-Zero 07:57, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

Dwarves and Khajiit[edit]

Are there any other pieces of lore mentioning that the Khajiit have some special knowledge about dwarves and other dragon breaks? This pars seems so out of nowhere, suddenly mentioning that they (or at least the ruler) knows about all this metaphysical stuff like it's obvious, but no other lore about the Khajiit i know of suggests they have this kind of knowledge. 00:49, 2 September 2019 (UTC)