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Lore talk:Baladas Demnevanni

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The term isn't ever applied to Baladas. The article made it seem like he is world-renowned as the fore-most leading Mechanist! but no one uses the term to describe him, and he himself uses the term to describe the actions of OTHERS without ever referring to himself in that way, which would point to him not even considering himself a mechanist. In addition, if the only evidence is that he is good with Dwemer machines, Engineer, Tinkerer, Mechanic, Technomancer and even Architect all have been applied at various times to people who do such things. Since he is never described as such, any term would be inappropriate. The article makes it clear his aptitude with dwemer machines, and his obsession with them, without requiring the use of a term that isn't ever applied to him. Jeancey (talk) 00:29, 20 August 2020 (UTC)

Baladas Contradiction[edit]

I still don't think there's a contradiction here. We have no reason to believe Baladas isn't alive during ESO and wasn't alive prior to the founding of Gnisis - especially since Gnisis existing in ESO is the earliest source we have for its existence, at least on its lorepage. The only reason to even speculate that Baladas isn't alive during ESO is that Revus occupies Arvs-Drelen, but Baladas never claims to have been continuously occupying the tower since before Gnisis was founded, only "I was here before Gnisis, before the Empire of men. I will be here after Gnisis is gone and after this short-lived Empire has crumbled." Insufficient reason to doubt him being alive in ESO. Ancestors can live alongside descendants with elves due to their lifespans. Hell, some definitions of "ancestor" even include parents, though I acknowledge that is outside of common parlance and understanding of the term. The unofficial lore cited on the page for Baladas being 2,000 years old during Morrowind also contradicts the notion he wasn't alive in ESO, as 2,000 years before 3E 427 is 1E 2244. Mindtrait0r (talk) 05:50, 29 October 2024 (UTC)

Correct, even though it was a potential gaffe by the devs, there is no explicit contradiction to point to here. Dcking20 (talk) 10:46, 29 October 2024 (UTC)