Lore:The Abbot Crassius Viria Answers Your Questions

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Writer Lawrence Schick
The Abbot Crassius Viria Answers Your Questions
Abbot Crassius Viria answers questions on lore

"As a Nord, I know that my soul may end up in Sovngarde, with Shor's leave, but could my soul leave Sovngarde and go into other realms of Aetherius if I so choose, or is my soul bound within that realm?" – Rhaegar Volker

Abbot Crassius Viria says, "Conjured or summoned souls of those who have passed on rarely tell of their sojourns in Aetherius, but it is the belief of our order that acts of will, such as travel, are rare where there is no need of volition. There is no choosing where there is no incentive for choice."

"In a book by Sage Svari of Fallowstone Hall, I have read that Hircine will claim the soul of any lycanthrope upon their death. That leads me to the question of who actually has 'the final say' about where the soul of a mortal goes after death, as this example would suggest that Daedric Princes have a greater say in this than Aedra have. Are there instances in which some kind of conflict between the divine forces over the soul of a mortal may occur, and if so, what would be the deciding factors in such a conflict?" – Inkwolf

Abbot Crassius Viria says, "Sage Svari's statement that Hircine 'claims' the souls of lycanthropes is poetic but misleading. It is the mortals themselves who decide the destinations of their souls by the choices they make during life. However, that said, there have been reports that Worm Cult necromancers have devised a way of hijacking the souls of mortals sacrificed in a certain Daedric ritual. This would be horrid, if true, but so far we have not received definite confirmation of it."

"I've noticed an unusual number of sentient, friendly ghosts during my travels through Tamriel. Do you think this has something to do with the Planemeld, or is something else at work?" – Basha-jo

Abbot Crassius Viria says, "It is undeniable that the appearance of restless or unmoored spirits has increased within the last year or two—in fact, by our estimates, such apparitions are at a historical high. The fact that our world is simultaneously under assault by Daedra and the so-called 'Dark Anchors' is unlikely to be a coincidence. The tapestry of our reality is fraying, I fear, and the Scrolls are ambiguous as to the outcome."

"Anointed Abbot, I come with a simple question relating to a diverse and complex topic: that of facial hair and its metaphysical significance. What role do beards (and other forms of bodily hair, if applicable) play in the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, and the ancient culture of Nibenay? Do they, in some way, relate to our collective spiritual role and our place in the Aurbis?" – Yours with Love and love, Vivul Maloren, of Ald-Cyrod

Abbot Crassius Viria says, "It is indeed true that most male Moth Priests sport chins that are significantly, even resplendently, hirsute, and many, various, and sundry are the mystic theories and esoteric hypotheses as to why this should be so. However, the wise student will simply reflect upon how ocular infirmity must complicate the task of shaving one's chin."