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Lore:Icewind Peaks

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Icewind Peaks
Type Region
Continent Tamriel
Province Skyrim
Appears in ESO
Map of Icewind Peaks circa 2E 582

Icewind Peaks is a region located in the hold of Eastmarch, which is a part of the province of Skyrim. The Icewind Peaks are more mountainous than the rest of Eastmarch and is considered less hospitable, as a result, there are no settlements in the area, at least, not in the long run. The village of Cragwallow is on the northern edge of the area and the encampment known as Jorunn's Stand served as a staging ground for the Ebonheart Pact. The ancient temple known as Skuldafn was built by the long forgotten Dragon Cult and serves as a gateway to Sovngarde, the afterlife for the Nords.