Lore:Gleaners of Aurbis

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Pieron Desant, the founder of Gleaners of Aurbis

The Gleaners of Aurbis were an organization composed of mortal and daedric extraplanar travelers who acted as thieves and spies.[1]

Gleaners of Aurbis' headquarters were located in the city of Fargrave. Their official stalls were placed in the Bazaar. The organization offered guidance, advice, and employment for the mortal inhabitants of the city.[2] They established the Fargrave Outlaws Refuge to accommodate their needs. It was one of the best places to move contraband within the boundaries of the city, rivaled only by the Shambles.[3]

They had an arrangement with another prominent mortal organization, Saraathu Tong, a faction of mages and scholars. Mages provided them with more advanced teleportation services, such as travel to places that are not readily connected to the portal plazas of Fargrave or transport to specific locations quickly and secretly. In return, the Gleaners provided the services of their thieves and spies.[1][4]

Gleaners of Aurbis were an elite and selective group. To join the organization one needed to receive an invitation. They however offered job offers to adventurers that were not affiliated with the organization.[1] Gleaners required a certain level of skill from their members, but it was commonly believed that recommendation from influential Fargravians, such as Madam Whim might improve one's chances of joining significantly.[5]

Despite being an organization of thieves they were tolerated by the Daedric authorities of the city. Some of their biggest clients were influential figures in Fargrave. Once the organization was established, the thieves avoided stealing from those people of import. Since the Gleaners kept a low profile, the Daedric authorities let them operate within the city boundaries and beyond.[1] They typically don't steal from citizens of Fargrave and retrieve items from elsewhere for interested parties in the city. They occasionally hire lone adventurers to help with that.[6] However cases of theft within the city's boundaries are not unprecedented.[7][8]


Luna Beriel, a representative of the Gleaners of Aurbis
Gleaner's Gleam - ink visible only to people who work for Pieron Desant

The exact foundation date of the Gleaners of Aurbis is unknown, but it began its operations several centuries before 2E 582. It was founded by Pieron Desant, an extremally long-lived Breton thief.[1][9][8]

At some point in the history Pieron Desant of Gleaners of Aurbis stole a vial of the glowing ink from the desk of the leader of the Saraathu Tong. The ink had special properties and the only ones who could see the ink were the ones who worked for him.[9] Ever since then the Gleaners of Aurbis also use this ink in their work in multiple ways.[1][10]

According to some accounts, at some point, a member of the Gleaners of Aurbis named Hrofald of the Three Jests acquired a key that could open the forgotten Daedric portal daises scattered across the Deadlands. He explored the many locations and realms linked to this forgotten portal network, until one day he disappeared into a portal and never returned. Presumed dead by his fellow Gleaners in Fargrave, Hrofald had actually stumbled upon the entrance to Deadlight. However, the key he had used to enter became discharged, and the realm lacked the essential energies needed to recharge the device. As a result, Hrofald became trapped in the realm for many long years, slowly withering away. It is unknown how he survived in this dead realm, although it has been speculated that the rate of his starvation may have been slowed by the realm's total absence of light and life.[11]

During the Interregnum in the mid-Second Era, Mehrunes Dagon gifted the realm to the Order of the Waking Flame to serve as a demonstration of his power.[11] Hrofald managed to escape when a Dremora opened a portal to present the realm to a member of the Waking Flame cult, and he eventually made his way back to Fargrave as an old and broken man to tell the tale of the "plane of the dead lights".[11]

Circa 2E 582, Pieron Desant, leader of the organization needed to communicate with certain members of his thieves group who were as of that time imprisoned in the Blood Pit in Deadlands. He ordered his lower rank associate Luna Beriel to handle this task and find a suitable contractor to deliver the messages to the drop sites marked with Gleaners' gleam. The contractor agreed to assist the Gleaners of Aurbis and delivered the messages where they were instructed.[10][9] The task was completed and the contractor received payment for their deeds.[1]

In the same year, the Gleaners of Aurbis sent an adventurer to procure relics from Brandfire Reformatory in the Deadlands. As of that time, the building was one of the facilities of the Order of the Waking Flame.[12][1][13] The adventurer was also requested to burn the propaganda pamphlets by the request of Fargrave merchant who hoped to put a stop to the cult's recruitment drive.[14][1][15]

They also requested adventurers to venture to the False Martyrs' Folly to steal valuables from the deceased Dunmer,[16][1][17] and harvest rare plants known as martyrs' copperleaf. Those plants were valuable and believed to be useful ingredient of numerous healing concoctions.[18][1][19]

Gleaners also hired an adventurer to retrieve the hidden shipments at the designated sites in the Shambles due to certain issues related to the fences associated with the organization.[20][1][21]

See Also[edit]

