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Lore:Crow-Wife Clan

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Reachfolk Namira sigil

Crow-Wife Clan, also known as Crow-Wives[1] was one of the numerous clans of Reachfolk that were active during the Second Era. They were a nomadic, hunting clan that was found in the mountains north of Bangkorai before 2E 582.[2] The Crow-Wives were primarily worshipers of Namira.[1]


At some point before 2E 582 Arthenice Belloq was abducted by Voanche, a member of the Crow-Wives and a horse-breeder. Arthenice remained captive of the Crow-Wife clan for the next eight years serving as a slave to tend to the livestock. As of then, the clan was led by hagraven Kloavdra, who served as a clan witch and shaman devoted to the Namira. Kloavdra's husband Cointthac, was also a prominent member of the clan and a gravesinger, a Reachfolk necromancer. Their son Aiocnuall was known to use his position as a son of the clan leaders with impunity. During Arthenice's sixth year of captivity, Aiocnuall started to torment her with numerous cruel pranks. It was then that Arthenice started making a spear and planned her escape. Eventually, she regained her freedom and penned a book A Life Barbaric and Brutal which was an account of her captivity. Little is known about the clan's fate after her escape.[2]


During the reign of Kloavdra, the Crow-Wife Clan was known to sacrifice children of their clan and the captives at random every two-moons'-dark to Namira upon the Ever-Oozing Altar. Among the clan, Namira was known under the name "the Children's God". The hagraven was drawing name-feathers with names of the chosen for sacrifice. The hearts of victims were cut out and offered to Namira.[2] Sometimes children deemed weak were killed in addition to regular random sacrifices. Other rituals included live burnings, literal blood baths, and dismemberments. One of the forms of devotion involved eating living insects.[3]

Arthenice Belloq described her captors as primitive and barbaric, but admitted that they are far more nuanced and complex than they were portrayed in the High Rock.[2]

Although the clan was composed primarily of worshipers of Namira, they occasionally uttered oaths naming other Daedra. According to their captives, they never revered other entities, however, the clan did possess unknown strange totems and ancient fetishes that were never named within the presence of the captives. Despite being led by hagraven, the clan merely placated them, rather than revered. Similarly to some other clans, they associated the Daedric entities with nature.[1]

They were stated to have a cruel sense of humor but also were known to be resourceful. Every dead animal was considered a source of valuable fat, flesh, and bones. Nothing was ever wasted. Face markings that resembled human skulls were used by some of the clan members. The clan was following the herds across the wastes and was crossing the Karth River semi-annually. They were hunters and pastoralists who also practiced horse breeding.[2] Despite their nomadic nature, aside from the tents they were known to build permanent shelters such as huts. They were known for raiding neighboring clans and villages and keeping captives.[3]

See Also[edit]

