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Legends:Sun-in-Shadow (puzzle)

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Solve the most challenging puzzle yet.
Episode: Divayth Fyr's Trials
Opponent Name: Divayth Fyr
Opponent Class: Intelligence Intelligence
Lanes: Field/Shadow
Starting Health: 1
Starting Magicka: 100
Difficulty: Insane
Reward: The Ingenious title
Still you linger? Though my time may be unending, it is always in short supply. Not so for you it seems. Very well then, my most devious puzzle yet should keep you from bothering me again for quite some time.


The game opens with the following text:

"Sun-In-Shadow has already betrayed most of her allies; Forsworn Guide is the only creature remaining in your deck. Win this turn."

You start with 1 health, a Young Mammoth in the Field Lane, a Mudcrab Anklesnapper in the Shadow Lane, and Galyn the Shelterer and Sun-in-Shadow in your hand. In your deck, you have Forsworn Guide, Close Call, Vvardvark Experiment, A Night to Remember, Weakness, Blood Sacrament, Dark Rebirth, 2 copies of Fleeting Apparition, Ulfric's Uprising, and Divayth's Experiments.

Divayth starts with 13 health and 4 Dren Bodyguard in play, 2 in each lane.


  1. Play Sun-in-Shadow and shackle Mudcrab Anklesnapper. Choose Fleeting Apparition.
  2. Play Fleeting Apparition. It will summon Forsworn Guide, which you use to unsummon Sun-in-Shadow. Ignore the Betray prompt.
  3. Play Sun-in-Shadow and shackle Forsworn Guide. Choose Close Call.
  4. Play Close Call on Forsworn Guide.
  5. Play Galyn the Shelterer, and choose Forsworn Guide.
  6. Play Forsworn Guide and unsummon Sun-in-Shadow.
  7. Play Sun-in-Shadow and shackle Galyn the Shelterer. Choose Fleeting Apparition.
  8. Play Fleeting Apparition. From the summoned Forsworn Guide, unsummon Sun-in-Shadow.
  9. Betray Galyn the Shelterer, then use the next Forsworn Guide to unsummon Mudcrab Anklesnapper.
  10. Play Mudcrab Anklesnapper.
  11. Play Sun-in-Shadow and shackle Mudcrab Anklesnapper. Choose Divayth's Experiments.
  12. Play Divayth's Experiments on Sun-in-Shadow. Shackle a Forsworn Guide and choose Ulfric's Uprising.
  13. Betray the shackled Forsworn Guide and play Divayth's Experiment on Mudcrab Anklesnapper.
  14. Play Ulfric's Uprising. Execute the following steps as prompted:
    • Unsummon the shackled Mudcrab Anklesnapper.
    • Unsummon a copy of Sun-in-Shadow.
    • Shackle a Forsworn Guide, and choose Dark Rebirth.
    • Shackle the other Forsworn Guide, and choose Blood Sacrament.
  15. Play Mudcrab Anklesnapper
  16. Play Sun-in-Shadow, shackle the Mudcrab Anklesnapper, and choose Weakness.
  17. Play Dark Rebirth on a Mudcrab Anklesnapper.
  18. Play Blood Sacrament. Betray a Mudcrab Anklesnapper.
  19. Play Weakness on a Dren Bodyguard in the Field Lane.
  20. Attack the weakened Dren Bodyguard with Young Mammoth.