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Legends:Divine Implements Found
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Heart of the City: Divine Implements Found[edit]
Divine Implements Found is a displayed after completing Dragonclaw Rock, Eastmarch Camp, and Sanguine Barrows. Here you found all three of Sotha Sil's replicas of Kagrenac's Tools which you need to manipulate the Heart. You will continue to confront Mecinar in Return to The Inner Curiosity.
If Swims-at-Night is with you:
- Swims-at-Night: "That's the last of the tools. Now let's go find Mecinar and destroy the Heart."
- Galyn: "What? You can't destroy it. I believe its power is what has allowed our crops to grow, our machinery to run. There must be another way. Perhaps you can use the Heart instead."
- Swims-at-Night: "I don't like it. Laaneth believed the heart [sic] was dangerous, and I trusted her more than most."
If Laaneth is with you:
- Laaneth: "That's the last of the tools. Now let's go find Mecinar and destroy the Heart."
- Galyn: "What? You can't destroy it. I believe its power is what has allowed our crops to grow, our machinery to run. There must be another way. Perhaps you can use the Heart instead."
- Laaneth: "I doubt it. But come, Mecinar must be in the Chamber of Lorkhan."
Prev: Dragonclaw Rock, Eastmarch Camp, and Sanguine Barrows | Up: Return to Clockwork City | Next: Return to The Inner Curiosity |