General:ESO: Morrowind – Influential Factions of Vvardenfell
Originally published May 25, 2017. The original article can be found here.

House Redoran[edit]
House Redoran controls Vivec City (in tandem with the Tribunal Temple) and much of the island's southern and southwestern coasts. Pious and honorable, House Redoran enjoys a strong working relationship with the Temple and Archcanon Tarvus, and members take their duties to their House, religion, and family very seriously. Redoran adheres to the Ebonheart Pact, and their powerful military plays an active role in the Alliance War. Stern and uncompromising, House Redoran members believe themselves to be naturally superior to the other Great Houses. House Redoran members can be identified by their red colors and the scarab symbol.
House Telvanni[edit]
Based in Sadrith Mora, the mysterious House Telvanni control the eastern coast of Vvardenfell and lives in self-imposed isolation from the majority of their Dark Elf cousins. Residing in giant mushroom towers, the leaders of House Telvanni work obsessively to develop their mastery of magicka. Refusing to join the Ebonheart Pact, when it comes to Outlanders, House Telvanni are highly suspicious and xenophobic (even by Dark Elf standards), and the House continues to benefit from slavery, despite it being banned by the Pact and frowned upon by most of the other Houses. To the Telvanni, power is everything, and they respect those who can prove their superiority by any means necessary. Ambitious, cunning, and aggressive, the Telvanni present a dangerous yet mysterious House. House Telvanni members can be identified by their brown colors and swirling arcade powers symbol.
House Hlaalu[edit]
The cosmopolitan House Hlaalu control Seyda Neen, but they can be found in most of Vvardenfell's cities and towns, more specifically, within their marketplaces and great halls. House Hlaalu members love to negotiate, make deals, and generate a profit, and most members are more than willing to compromise in order to resolve disputes. Still, House Hlaalu's love of high culture and urban life comes with a (perhaps unfair) reputation that labels them as corrupt, greedy bureaucrats. Regardless of their reputation, House Hlaalu supports the Ebonheart Pact, and they are well respected by the Tribunal Temple. House Hlaalu members can be identified by their yellow colors and the scales symbol.
The Ordinators[edit]
Holy warriors of the Tribunal Temple, the four orders of the Temple Ordinators protect the Living Gods' interests and holdings in Vvardenfell and beyond. Each order takes on a unique role within the organization: The Order of War fights enemies of the Temple, the Order of Inquisition seeks out heresy, the Order of the Watch guards the temple and shrines, and the Order of Doctrine and Ordination are militant scholars. The Ordinators are mostly drawn from House Indoril, but there are members from all of the Great Houses within their ranks. Ordinators can be identified by their distinctive golden armor and face masks.
Morag Tong[edit]
An ancient and deadly order of assassins, the Morag Tong performs sanctioned assassinations throughout Morrowind. The organization serves an important social function within Dark Elf culture, as their legally sanctioned Writs of Execution help prevent large-scale bloodshed between the rival Great Houses. When submitted, these writs are carefully inspected by the guild's Grandmaster, and when approved, they are zealously enacted without mercy. Once a writ is completed, the Morag Tong assassin openly present themselves and the contract in order to prove the murder was legal and to avoid retaliation. The organization rarely operates outside of Morrowind, with a few exceptions, but there is no place within the Dark Elf homeland that the Morag Tong cannot reach. Should you find yourself targeted by the Morag Tong, rest assured that your death will be swift, inescapable, and perfectly legal.
Be Careful Who You Deal With[edit]
These are just some of the groups you'll encounter when exploring Vvardenfell. Which organizations are you most looking forward to seeing when ESO: Morrowind launches on June 6? Let us know on Twitter @TESOnline and Facebook.
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