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Daggerfall talk:Lycanthropy

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New Bugged Donjon?[edit]

I got sent to Castle Vladimyth in search of faerie dragon scales with an enchanted vest as the reward. I think I have covered every square centimeter of the place. I got faerie dragon scales as loot from a vampire here (and already had some as random loot from another donjon) and caught lycanthropy here. (I got the dream, but cured it before it became permanent by recall to my anchor and paying a priest of Kynnareth.) I am giving up, but want to know why none of the quests on this page mention Castle Vladymyth, nor do I find it mentioned anywhere in the Daggerfall section. I can zip a savegame and send it to anyone who wants evidence. Dammit, I worked hard and deserve that vest (whatever it is).Sage 13:55, 18 September 2009 (UTC)

Read the first section of the Lycanthropy page. If you haven't already figured it out, most enemies in Daggerfall are generated randomly, depending on your current level. For your second complaint, ingredients are sometimes hard to see in a dark dungeon, but if you are at the correct dungeon and still within the time limit, it will be at one of the dungeon's quest locations.--PLRDLF 17:17, 22 September 2009 (UTC)

Moved from Main Article[edit]

I've moved this entire bullet point from the "Exploits" section:

  • One can still use potions, magical items, and cast spells which is pretty illogical since one should only be a wild beast while being in were-form. Lycan's aren't mindless beasts. They have the mind of a human and the body of a beast so this shouldn't be in the exploits since its understandable.

The portion from "Lycan's aren't..." on was added today, and I agree with the second editor, I think. I don't know enough about Daggerfall to make a definitive call, so I've moved it here in case it needs more discussion. --GKtalk2me 02:51, 30 January 2010 (UTC)

always werewolf form[edit]

So my character recently became a werewolf, right before full moon time, and now whenever day comes around and i shift back to normal, i instantly get switched back...any advice? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:02 on 24 January 2013

Level 2 Minimum?[edit]

I wanted to see if it is possible to get 100 END at level 1 to get the maximum possible HP bonus of 35 as early as possible, 99 is the highest possible from the character creator then you'll have to spend one point after reaching level 2, meaning you have to use up the first level up only increasing by 34 HP. I decided to try Lycanthropy for the 40 END bonus, walked out of Privateer's Hold with 60 END, got to the Fighter's Guild, and through amazing luck the first dungeon quest they gave me lead me to Jubithiva's Den, 2 map squares west of Longwych Garden in Daggerfall, where you can find 3 Werewolves in one room early on. So, still being level one, I decided to mod my health to 9,000 to help testing go faster, and let myself be smacked around by them for a little bit. Now, each attempt they hit me around 400 to 500 times, then I would rest. I've tried this about 20 times and I have not been infected. However, I tried quickly leveling to level 2 and let them smack me again, and I was infected immediately. I tried a second time and it happened again. Now, it could just be extremely weird luck, but I feel like 20 attempts of getting hit 500 times each should have let me catch it by now if it were possible. So, are you actually immune to Lycanthropy at level 1, and could this possibly even apply to Vampirism? SkullFire58 (talk) 20:25, 11 October 2017 (UTC)

I just tested this using the in-game debug menu, and when I force myself to become a "Werething" as the menu calls it, nothing happens at all, however as soon as I'm level 2 or more, it succeeds and turns me into a Werewolf. I'm absolutely sure that you are completely incapable of turning into a Werebeast while level 1, and I would add it to the article but I don't know how useful this information would be to most people, maybe just as a Note at the bottom. I'll let you guys decide if you care, but at least this info is here. SkullFire58 (talk) 02:27, 12 October 2017 (UTC)
Level 1 characters cannot catch lycanthropy or vampirism. KShrimp (talk) 18:55, 28 June 2018 (UTC)