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Bloodmoon:Saenus Lusius

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Saenus Lusius (saenus lusius)
Location Fort Frostmoth, General Quarters
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 40 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 200 Magicka 166
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Follower During The Frostmoth Smugglers
Saenus Lusius

Saenus Lusius is an Imperial guard located in the General Quarters, Fort Frostmoth. He is one of the two guards suggested to assist you when investigating a smuggling ring. Saenus knows who to talk to concerning a weapons stash and will follow you to take on the bandits.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

The Frostmoth Smugglers[edit]

"Captain Carius mentioned that you might come to speak with me. How may I assist you?"
assist you
"Ah yes, this smuggling ring. Captain Carius mentioned something about that. I would be glad to help. Though I'm admittedly not the most handy with my blade, I believe I can help guide you through this conundrum."
I would like you to work with me.
"Excellent. Gaea Artoria will have to perform the other tasks that Captain Carius had for me today, but no matter. Let us find these scoundrels!"
I am not sure with whom I will work.
"As you wish. If you change your mind, please let me know."

If you choose to work with him:

"Yes? Would you like to continue to travel together? I imagine it would be best with the task at hand. Captain Carius wishes for us to work together."
travel together
"We should continue to travel together, should we not?"
Yes, we should.
No. Wait here.
"If you insist."

Asking about topics:

Gaea Artoria
"A fine warrior, second only to the Captain himself. She'll likely be off on errands for Captain Carius now."
weapons being smuggled
"I suggest we speak with some of the soldiers here at the fort. A motley bunch, to be sure, but some of them are fair soldiers. I've developed quite a rapport with a few, in fact. Why don't we begin by speaking with Zeno Faustus. He's an interesting character. We'll find him in the Armory."

If you chose to work with Gaea instead:

weapons being smuggled
"You've chosen to work with Gaea Artoria, have you not? She'll be a more than able companion for you. You should speak with her about this matter."

After speaking to Zeno Faustus:

weapons being smuggled
"I believe we have enough information to break up this ring. Let us finish."

After speaking to Gualtierus Spurius:

"He wants to make a deal with you, does he?"
make a deal
"Interesting. Well, I suppose you could let him go. I know Spurius, and while he wasn't the best soldier, he wasn't the worst, either. And I know he has a family to feed back home. Still, he has stolen from the Legion, and his crimes are punishable by death. I'm afraid the decision is yours, my friend. Whatever you decide, I will support it."

If you choose to spare Spurius:

weapons being smuggled
"You have made your decision. I will let you report these findings to Carius. I hope you have made the correct decision."

If you kill Spurius:

weapons being smuggled
"The smugglers are dead, so the smuggling ring is effectively broken. Not the way I would have done it, perhaps, but effective nonetheless. Let us return to the fort."

As you approach Fort Frostmoth:

"Wait! Something here is amiss. The fort has been attacked while we were gone. We must find Captain Carius immediately!"

The Disappearance of Captain Carius[edit]

If Lusius was your follower:

"From what Artoria has told us, the course is clear. You must travel to the Nord village and see what they know about the attack."
Nord village
"Go there and find out what you can about the Captain's disappearance. It is on the northeastern tip of the island."
Fort Frostmoth
"The fort is in a terrible state right now. Hopefully, we will be able to get things back to normal soon."

If you were working with Gaea:

"Thank the gods you've returned! There was a horrible battle. And Captain Carius...someone must find the Captain!"
Captain Carius
"He is missing in the attack. He must be found."
find the Captain
"There was a terrible battle. We were caught completely by surprise. And in the aftermath we realized that Captain Carius was missing. I searched thoroughly, and there was no sign of his body, so I do not believe he is dead. And these wolf creatures...they were horrible and fierce. You must find him, %PCName. There is a Nord village on the north end of this island. They may know something about what has occurred."
wolf creatures
"I don't know exactly what to call them. Of course, I've heard stories about who turn into beasts when the night falls. But I've never heard of them being seen on this island. And I've certainly never heard of so many of them working in concert."
Nord village
"It is on the northeastern tip of Solstheim. These Skaal are nature-worshippers, and they seem to have a special commune with the creatures of this island. If anyone knows what attacked the fort, it will be these Nords. I will mark their location on your map. I would like you to earn their trust and find out what you can. You may have to remain with them for many days, but I believe you are up to the task. Here, take this--it was found in one of their tombs. Perhaps they will take it as a sign of good faith."

If approached again:

"As I said, someone must find the Captain!"
find the Captain
"You must find Carius. And the Nord village would be a good place to begin looking."
Nord village
"Go there and find out what you can about the Captain's disappearance. It is on the northeastern tip of the island."

After speaking to the Skaal:

find the Captain
"The Skaal say they know nothing of the attack? Interesting. I have no doubt that they were not the instigators of this horror, but I do believe they know more than they have let on to you. For now, return to them. Live among them for a time, and see what you might learn. Take care with them, %PCName. They live by a strict code, and you will be expected to follow it while you are with them."

If asked again:

find the Captain
"He must be found, and it is possible that these Skaal know something of the disappearance, though they claim they do not. Learn what you can from them. They do not seem to be threatening, but I believe they know more than they let on. Stay with them until you have learned more. I will take care of the soldiers here at the fort. I am counting on you. Good luck."

Hircine's Hunt[edit]

Once you return to the Fort he can be spoken to:

"Captain Carius has returned. He's said very little about his ordeal, but we are all just glad he is back where he belongs. Fort Frostmoth will be stronger than ever."
Captain Carius
"He has returned! I believe he's resting in his chambers."
Fort Frostmoth
"Things are improving here, but there is still a great deal that must be done. I hold out hope, though."
find the Captain
"Thank the gods that he has returned."


  • Voice:
    • Greetings:
      • "Let us ferret out this ring of smugglers."
  • Greetings:
    • "Yes? Would you like to continue to travel together? I imagine it would be best with the task at hand. Captain Carius wishes for us to work together."
    • "He wants to make a deal with you, does he?"
    • "Wait! Something here is amiss. The fort has been attacked while we were gone. We must find Captain Carius immediately!" [Goodbye]

  • make a deal:
    • "Interesting. Well, I suppose you could let him go. I know Spurius, and while he wasn't the best soldier, he wasn't the worst, either. And I know he has a family to feed back home. Still, he has stolen from the Legion, and his crimes are punishable by death. I'm afraid the decision is yours, my friend. Whatever you decide, I will support it."
    • "You have made your decision. I will let you report these findings to Carius. I hope you have made the correct decision."

  • Saenus Lusius:
    • "I am Saenus Lusius. What may I do for you?"

  • weapons being smuggled:
    • "I believe we have enough information to break up this ring. Let us finish."
    • "The smugglers are dead, so the smuggling ring is effectively broken. Not the way I would have done it, perhaps, but effective nonetheless. Let us return to the fort."


  • Though he is a member of the Imperial Legion, Lusius' military rank is unspecified.