Blades:The Missing Scroll
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to the Bloodfall Queen.
- Defeat the Necromancers.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The route to the Bloodfall queen's castle is a rather straightforward one-way path through the forest with no detours. You start off at the bridge near the river and have to kill three Necromancers, and optionally any skeletons encountered.
After killing all three you find yourself at a cave serving as the entrance to the Bloodfall Queen's castle. The gate will be glowing and can be opened using a lever found just to the right. Speak to the Bloodfall Queen to complete the quest. You will speak to Saashi when returning to Town.
The secret is found by activating a sconce on the right wall of the Queen's room. It will open the wall, revealing a chest inside.
Skeleton Guardians x 7
Necromancers x 3