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A Skeleton

Skeletons are an enemy group that are hostile to the player. Despite each having 120 magicka, they do not have any spells to use.

At earlier levels, basic skeletons will pose almost no threat. They can be dispatched fairly easily with little attention paid to their abilities. However, at higher levels, they'll make use of Harrying, Staggering, and other Shield Bash abilities to stun you and prevent you from using your own abilities. Thus, at higher levels, a good strategy is to high block their attacks or otherwise stun them and attack while the skeleton is stunned. This prevents you from attacking into their Reflecting Bash or other high blocks, which should prevent you from taking too much damage. Consider a Dodging Strike ability for Guardbreaker and their other Power Attack abilities, or otherwise deal with the damage. Be wary of allowing them to stun you, as this can quickly compound as the skeleton repeatedly bashes you and prevents you from responding. Aside from event skeletons, they will deal only physical damage, so you will not require spells like Elemental Protection or Ward to prevent their damage while exploring the Abyss or completing quests. However, in some events, they will deal elemental damage. The divine weapon Thunderfell from the Sigil Shop targets both weaknesses of basic skeletons, but any level-appropriate Bashing weapon will be efficacious in fighting basic skeletons. However, you should bear in mind that some event skeletons, conversely, will be immune to all but a specific type of damage.

For more information, see the main lore article.



The following Skeletons are the variants found in Jobs, the Abyss, and many other quests.
Skeleton Family & Skeleton Family Abyss

Skeletons Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Resist Fire Weakness to Shock Poison Immunity Resist Slashing Weakness to Bashing Abilities
Skeleton Min 1 14 133 130 10 18 0 7.09 Immune 0 3.6 None
Max 7 21 162 190 67 123
Skeleton Guardian Min 8 43 161 200 96 147 69.12 7.09 Immune 6.3 6.3 Shield Bash (1)
Max 16 61 293 280 192 252
Skeleton Hero Min 17 63 342 290 202 266 107.52 7.94 Immune 10.08 10.08 Harrying Bash (1)
Power Attack (1)
Max 27 83 493 390 298 384
Skeleton Knight Min 28 85 516 400 304 390 144 10.63 Immune 13.5 13.5 Staggering Bash (1)
Skullcrusher (1)
Max 38 104 649 500 384 490
Skeleton Sentinel Min 39 106 669 510 395 503 181.03 13.37 Immune 16.97 16.97 Staggering Bash (1)
Guardbreaker (1)
Harrying Bash (3)
Skullcrusher (2)
Max 51 127 785 630 483 611
Skeleton Champion Min 52 127 806 640 481 609 225.6 16.66 Immune 21.15 21.15 Reflecting Bash (2)
Staggering Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Harrying Bash (5)
Skullcrusher (5)
Max 66 155 1,095 780 590 771
Skeleton Fiend Min 67 158 1,128 790 605 790 302.4 22.33 Immune 28.35 28.35 Reflecting Bash (5)
Staggering Bash (7)
Guardbreaker (8)
Harrying Bash (9)
Skullcrusher (9)
Shield Bash (11)
Max 83 193 1,377 950 758 1,002
Skeleton Death Knight Min 84 194 1,415 960 768 1,016 384 28.35 Immune 36 36 Reflecting Bash (8)
Staggering Bash (11)
Guardbreaker (11)
Harrying Bash (13)
Skullcrusher (13)
Shield Bash (15)
Max 100 226 1,803 1,120 921 1,228

The Impenetrable Grove[edit]

The following Skeletons can be encountered in The Impenetrable Grove. They favor defense over offense.[verification needed — What does this entail?]

Skeletons Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Resist Fire Weakness to Shock Poison Immunity Resist Slashing Weakness to Bashing Abilities
Skeleton Min 1 14 133 130 10 18 0 7.09 Immune 0 3.6 None
Max 7 21 162 190 67 123
Skeleton Guardian Min 8 43 161 200 96 147 69.12 7.09 Immune 6.3 6.3 Shield Bash (1)
Max 16 61 293 280 192 252
Skeleton Hero Min 17 63 342 290 202 266 107.52 7.94 Immune 10.08 10.08 Shield Bash (1)
Power Attack (1)
Max 27 83 493 390 298 384
Skeleton Knight Min 28 85 516 400 304 390 144 10.63 Immune 13.5 13.5 Skullcrusher (1)
Shield Bash (2)
Max 38 104 649 500 384 490
Skeleton Sentinel Min 39 106 669 510 395 503 181.03 13.37 Immune 16.97 16.97 Guardbreaker (1)
Skullcrusher (2)
Shield Bash (4)
Max 51 127 785 630 483 611
Skeleton Champion Min 52 127 806 640 481 609 225.6 16.66 Immune 21.15 21.15 Reflecting Bash (2)
Guardbreaker (4)
Skullcrusher (5)
Shield Bash (7)
Max 66 155 1,095 780 590 771
Skeleton Fiend Min 67 158 1,128 790 605 790 302.4 22.33 Immune 28.35 28.35 Reflecting Bash (5)
Guardbreaker (8)
Skullcrusher (9)
Shield Bash (11)
Max 83 193 1,377 950 758 1,002
Skeleton Death Knight Min 84 194 1,415 960 768 1,016 384 28.35 Immune 36 36 Reflecting Bash (8)
Guardbreaker (11)
Skullcrusher (13)
Shield Bash (15)
Max 100 226 1,803 1,120 921 1,228

The Purifying Flames[edit]

The following Skeletons can be encountered in The Purifying Flames. They are immune to all but fire damage.

Skeletons Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Frost Immunity Shock Immunity Poison Immunity Slashing Immunity Cleaving Immunity Bashing Immunity Abilities
Skeleton Min 1 14 40 130 10 18 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune None
Max 7 21 49 190 67 123
Skeleton Guardian Min 8 43 65 200 96 147 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Shield Bash (1)
Max 16 61 118 280 192 252
Skeleton Hero Min 17 63 171 290 202 266 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Harrying Bash (1)
Power Attack (1)
Max 27 83 247 390 298 384
Skeleton Knight Min 28 85 310 400 304 390 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Staggering Bash (1)
Skullcrusher (1)
Max 38 104 390 500 384 490
Skeleton Sentinel Min 39 106 468 510 395 503 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Staggering Bash (1)
Guardbreaker (1)
Harrying Bash (3)
Skullcrusher (2)
Max 51 127 549 630 483 611
Skeleton Champion Min 52 127 564 640 481 609 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (2)
Staggering Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Harrying Bash (5)
Skullcrusher (5)
Max 66 155 767 780 590 771
Skeleton Fiend Min 67 158 790 790 605 790 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (5)
Staggering Bash (7)
Guardbreaker (8)
Harrying Bash (9)
Skullcrusher (9)
Shield Bash (11)
Max 83 193 964 950 758 1,002
Skeleton Death Knight Min 84 194 990 960 768 1,016 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (8)
Staggering Bash (11)
Guardbreaker (11)
Harrying Bash (13)
Skullcrusher (13)
Shield Bash (15)
Max 100 226 1,262 1,120 921 1,228

Vault of Lightning[edit]

The following Skeletons can be encountered in Vault of Lightning. They deal only shock damage.

Skeletons Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Resist Fire Weakness to Shock Poison Immunity Resist Slashing Weakness to Bashing Abilities
Skeleton Min 1 14 94 130 10 18 0 7.09 Immune 0 3.6 None
Max 7 21 120 190 67 123
Skeleton Guardian Min 8 43 143 200 96 147 69.12 7.09 Immune 6.3 6.3 Shield Bash (1)
Max 16 61 333 280 192 252
Skeleton Hero Min 17 63 486 290 202 266 107.52 7.94 Immune 10.08 10.08 Harrying Bash (1)
Power Attack (1)
Max 27 83 709 390 298 384
Skeleton Knight Min 28 85 804 400 304 390 144 10.63 Immune 13.5 13.5 Staggering Bash (1)
Skullcrusher (1)
Max 38 104 1,035 500 384 490
Skeleton Sentinel Min 39 106 1,264 510 395 503 181.03 13.37 Immune 16.97 16.97 Staggering Bash (1)
Guardbreaker (1)
Harrying Bash (3)
Skullcrusher (2)
Max 51 127 1,310 630 483 611
Skeleton Champion Min 52 127 1,396 640 481 609 225.6 16.66 Immune 21.15 21.15 Reflecting Bash (2)
Staggering Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Harrying Bash (5)
Skullcrusher (5)
Max 66 155 1,829 780 590 771
Skeleton Fiend Min 67 158 1,894 790 605 790 302.4 22.33 Immune 28.35 28.35 Reflecting Bash (5)
Staggering Bash (7)
Guardbreaker (8)
Harrying Bash (9)
Skullcrusher (9)
Shield Bash (11)
Max 83 193 2,169 950 758 1,002
Skeleton Death Knight Min 84 194 2,271 960 768 1,016 384 28.35 Immune 36 36 Reflecting Bash (8)
Staggering Bash (11)
Guardbreaker (11)
Harrying Bash (13)
Skullcrusher (13)
Shield Bash (15)
Max 100 226 3,144 1,120 921 1,228

Sticks and Stones[edit]

The following Skeletons can be encountered in Sticks and Stones. They are immune to all but bashing damage.

Skeletons Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Fire Immunity Frost Immunity Shock Immunity Poison Immunity Slashing Immunity Cleaving Immunity Abilities
Skeleton Min 1 14 133 130 10 18 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune None
Max 7 21 162 190 67 123
Skeleton Guardian Min 8 43 161 200 96 147 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Shield Bash (1)
Max 16 61 293 280 192 252
Skeleton Hero Min 17 63 342 290 202 266 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Harrying Bash (1)
Power Attack (1)
Max 27 83 493 390 298 384
Skeleton Knight Min 28 85 516 400 304 390 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Staggering Bash (1)
Skullcrusher (1)
Max 38 104 649 500 384 490
Skeleton Sentinel Min 39 106 669 510 395 503 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Staggering Bash (1)
Guardbreaker (1)
Harrying Bash (3)
Skullcrusher (2)
Max 51 127 785 630 483 611
Skeleton Champion Min 52 127 806 640 481 609 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (2)
Staggering Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Harrying Bash (5)
Skullcrusher (5)
Max 66 155 1,095 780 590 771
Skeleton Fiend Min 67 158 1,128 790 605 790 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (5)
Staggering Bash (7)
Guardbreaker (8)
Harrying Bash (9)
Skullcrusher (9)
Shield Bash (11)
Max 83 193 1,377 950 758 1,002
Skeleton Death Knight Min 84 194 1,415 960 768 1,016 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (8)
Staggering Bash (11)
Guardbreaker (11)
Harrying Bash (13)
Skullcrusher (13)
Shield Bash (15)
Max 100 226 1,803 1,120 921 1,228