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Blades:Bonus Ranks

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Bonus Ranks
Type Defensive
(Click on any item for details)

+<magnitude> <skill> Ranks
Bonus ranks boost the rank of skills. All jewelry offers bonus ranks, with rings boosting spells and abilities while necklaces boost perks. Skills you haven't yet unlocked will not receive a bonus, meaning you cannot gain access to a spell or ability via bonus ranks and bonus ranks to a locked perk will not offer any bonus. However, you will benefit from a skill boosted above its highest unlockable rank.

Items with Bonus Ranks

Name Rarity Effect Description
Amulet of Mara Amulet of Mara Rare

Bonus Ranks +1 Healing Surge Rank
Bonus Ranks +2 Elemental Protection Ranks
Bonus Ranks +2 Combat Focus Ranks

This holy symbol of the goddess Mara is often worn by those who seek a partner to share their life and love with.
Band of the Wraith Band of the Wraith Legendary

Absorb Magicka Restores Magicka by damage done, up to 10 for light weapons, 13 for versatile ones, and 16 for other attacks.
Physical Opportunist Increases physical damage by 26 against targets suffering a condition.
Physical Adrenaline Increases physical damage by 26 while Health is critical.
Bonus Ranks +4 Frostbite Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Ice Spike Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Blizzard Armor Ranks

No one knows the origins of this powerful ring, but it has been said you can tell of its nearby presence simply by the chill in the air that follows it around.
Cascadia Cascadia Rare

Bonus Ranks +1 Quick Strikes Rank
Bonus Ranks +1 Absorb Rank
Bonus Ranks +1 Willpower Rank

The ocean can be heard from its stone. Though rumored to be of Maormer origin, some claim it was a Nord enchanter's failed attempt at a water breathing ring.
Crimson Kiss Crimson Kiss Rare

Bonus Ranks +1 Dodging Strike Rank
Bonus Ranks +1 Lightning Bolt Rank
Bonus Ranks +1 Combat Focus Rank

Supposedly forged by vampires, it's been worn over the years by bold heroes and vile assassins. The difference often depends on which side won.
Grand Inquisitor's Ring Grand Inquisitor's Ring Legendary

Absorb Magicka Restores Magicka by damage done, up to 10 for light weapons, 13 for versatile ones, and 16 for other attacks.
Physical Opportunist Increases physical damage by 26 against targets suffering a condition.
Physical Adrenaline Increases physical damage by 26 while Health is critical.
Bonus Ranks +4 Fireball Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Ice Spike Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Thunderstorm Ranks

Tradition holds such rings were worn centuries ago by the high-ranking Dunmer jailmasters who ran the floating prisons known as the Ministry of Truth.
Jailmaster's Ring Jailmaster's Ring Legendary

Absorb Magicka Restores Magicka by damage done, up to 9 for light weapons, 12 for versatile ones, and 15 for other attacks.
Physical Opportunist Increases physical damage by 22 against targets suffering a condition.
Physical Adrenaline Increases physical damage by 22 while Health is critical.
Bonus Ranks +3 Fireball Ranks
Bonus Ranks +3 Ice Spike Ranks
Bonus Ranks +3 Thunderstorm Ranks

These rings were worn by Dunmer jailmasters to honor their predecessors, including those who perished when the Ministry of Truth came crashing down.
Master Ring of Shock Master Ring of Shock Legendary

Absorb Magicka Restores Magicka by damage done, up to 10 for light weapons, 13 for versatile ones, and 16 for other attacks.
Physical Opportunist Increases physical damage by 26 against targets suffering a condition.
Physical Adrenaline Increases physical damage by 26 while Health is critical.
Bonus Ranks +4 Lightning Bolt Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Delayed Lightning Bolt Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Thunderstorm Ranks

Keep in mind that this ring, rumored to provide total mastery over the elemental force of Shock, will *not* give its wearer protection against said element.
Ring of Cinders Ring of Cinders Legendary

Absorb Magicka Restores Magicka by damage done, up to 10 for light weapons, 13 for versatile ones, and 16 for other attacks.
Physical Opportunist Increases physical damage by 26 against targets suffering a condition.
Physical Adrenaline Increases physical damage by 26 while Health is critical.
Bonus Ranks +4 Fireball Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Consuming Inferno Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Wall of Fire Ranks

This ring belonged to a renowned fire mage who ended up accidentally burning herself down to a crisp, with nothing left of her but the ring and a few ashes.
Ring of Dremora Ring of Dremora Rare

Bonus Ranks +3 Fireball Ranks
Bonus Ranks +3 Consuming Inferno Ranks
Bonus Ranks +3 Wall of Fire Ranks

This powerful magical ring, forged in the flames of Oblivion, provides its wearer with mastery over a range of fire Spells.
Ring of Preservation Ring of Preservation Legendary

Absorb Magicka Restores Magicka by damage done, up to 10 for light weapons, 13 for versatile ones, and 16 for other attacks.
Physical Opportunist Increases physical damage by 26 against targets suffering a condition.
Physical Adrenaline Increases physical damage by 26 while Health is critical.
Bonus Ranks +4 Absorb Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Resist Elements Ranks
Bonus Ranks +4 Ward Ranks

Some scholars argue these fabled pieces of jewelry were crafted in the Second Era for the Arch-Mages of Winterhold, to help with their personal protection.
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