Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Surilaron

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Location Rielle
Species Zombie Soul Leveled
Level PC×? (50-999) Type Undead
BaseID xx0CC0BB
Other Information
Health 1000+(PC)×? Magicka 300+(PC)×?
Stamina 100+(PC)×?
Primary Skills Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration
Faction(s) CreatureFaction; CYRDunRielleQuestSurilaronFaction

Surilaron, an Ayleid lich, was once the High Priest of Merid-Nunda in Rielle. He was recently awoken from death by an unknown power in the west and will curse himself for his undead state, an abomination to his creed.

His voice will resonate throughout the ruin as you make your way deeper, eventually reaching the throne room. Here Surilaron will approach you and, after a short conversation, attack you. He is a fierce opponent, possessing immunity to poison, magical resistance and a host of Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction and Restoration perks. As befits a powerful mage, he will attack with spells including Absorb Health Cloak, Command Daedra, Dread Zombie, Ebonyflesh, Greater Ward and a leveled Destruction spell (Fireball or Icy Fireball).

Once defeated he will drop the precious Flamelight Spire, an Ayleid lich helmet, a portion of bone meal and a leveled amount of Ayleid mala (1050-1250).

Related Quests[edit]


After appearing, Surilaron will begin his monologue while descending the staircase.

"Once again, I feel Magicka flow through me. Life fills my necrotic body... whether or not I will it."
"I am reborn."
"And yet there is an interloper in my midst. Who dares intrude within this sacred temple?"

Then, Surilaron will approach and speak to you.

"How dare you intrude in this holy city of Merid-Nunda? Answer me..."

He will follow with a line depending on your character's race.

Race Dialogue
Argonian "...Hist-lizard."
Breton, Imperial, Nord, Redguard "...Nede."
Dark Elf "...Chimer. Or, no... There is something not quite right about you. Are you stricken, Chimer? Stricken by an ailment of the gods, perhaps?"
High Elf "...elf."
Khajiit, Orc "...thing."
Wood Elf "...tree-elf of the south."

You are given a couple of dialogue options afterward.

How did you awaken? You look like you've been dead for millennia.
"The ancient magicks of the Ayleid people are both numerous and powerful. They have, however, laid dormant for centuries. But now, they reawaken. And through them I am given life once more. I know not how or why, though I intend to find out. I feel a call. The nexus of the power... it comes from the west. The... west..."
Tell me about the Ayleid people.
"The Ayleid people. My people. We were baune. We were mighty. Our towering cities spanned the continent. The Nedes, the men, we kept in captivity, leveraged to perform the manual labor they were fit for. We devoted ourselves to tasks befitting the arpen. But it was all destroyed. The Alessians ravaged this land. Butchered our families. Razed our cities. Slew the kings. The nobles. The wizard-lords."
Do you intend to kill me?
"Your trespass is unforgivable. You have entered this sacred temple of Merid-Nunda and ransacked it for your own ends. All despite my warnings. All crimes must be met with the appropriate recourse. This is a tenet old as civilization itself. The penalty for your transgression is death." (end of dialogue)

Excluding High Elf characters, you may comment on Surilaron's remark regarding your character's heritage.

I'm not a 'Hist-lizard'. I'm an Argonian. (If your character is an Argonian)
"Argonian? Is that what the Hist-lizards of the east are calling themselves, these days? Mm. How times change."
I'm no 'tree-elf'. I'm a Bosmer. (If your character is a Wood Elf)
"Bosmer? So that's what you've taken to calling yourselves? Mm. In truth, the appearance of an elf of the south in my sanctum is an interesting turn of events."
I'm Dunmer, not Chimer. (If your character is a Dark Elf)
"Dunmer? Hmm. A name I have not heard before. Are you born of the Daedric planes? Or some far-flung corners of Aetherius? To me, you seem as though you are one of the Chimer. A stricken one, yes, but Chimer nonetheless. Though the illness that befalls you... I have not seen before. Are you cursed, Chimer? Have you overreached your station and found yourself spurned?"
I'm not a thing. Have you never seen an Orc before? (If your character is an Orc)
"Whatever you are is certainly not a common sight within the reaches of Tamriel that I have yet walked."
I'm not a thing. Have you never seen a Khajiit before? (If your character is a Khajiit)
"Whatever you are is certainly not a common sight within the reaches of Tamriel that I have yet walked."
I'm no 'Nede'. (If your character is human)
"You are no Nede? You claim to be something other than a Nede? Your claim is folly. You are a Nede. I see it in every fiber of your being. You are a man. You are a Nede. There is no other answer. You are one of the slaves, broken free and run amok across this land. You are one of Alessia's pawns."
Regardless of your character's race, Surilaron will finish his response as followed.
"Enough of this. Your heritage bears little significance to the situation we now find ourselves in. You stand before Surilaron, High Priest of Rielle, this city of Merid-Nunda, and find yourself wanting."