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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Guard Dialogue

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This page documents the dialogue for guards added by the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil mod.

Passing Dialogue[edit]

Protect and serve, it's what we do...
Dialogue Requirement
"Sir?" None
"Ma'am?" None
"...Civilian?" None
"See it, report it." None
"Respect the law. Respect yourself." None
"Citizen." None
"Protect and serve, it's what we do..." None
"I'm here to uphold the law. I advise you not to break it." None
"You know what's even more satisfying than arresting a criminal? Seeing them rot in a cell." None
"Within the walls, we'll keep you safe. Outside, watch your back." None
"Watch your back outside the city walls. We can't be charging to your aid if a timber wolf catches your scent." None
"I guess they call Cyrodiil the "heartland of Tamriel" for a reason. The weather, for one. Nice and sunny." Not raining, snowing or cloudy
"I'm getting soaked! Can't wait to get home to the hearth." Raining or snowing
"Weather today's bland and forgettable. Just like my life." Weather is cloudy but dry
"Heard there were beasts around... be careful, traveler." None
"Us guards, we're well-trained. We miss nothing. Just keep that in mind." None
"You know what's even more satisfying than arresting a criminal? Seeing them rot in a cell." None
"Heard there were ogres around... be careful, traveler." None
"Zombies tend to haunt caves. Be careful if you decide to go treasure hunting." None
"Seen any goblins around? Primitive little things, but damn if they won't swarm you." None
"Want my advice? Always carry a good stock of potions and restoratives around with you. Never know when you'll be lying on the ground bleeding out." None

Reactions to Player's Skill Level[edit]

Dialogue Skill (Requires 75)
"Ah, an alchemist. I respect your trade, but don't go overboard picking flowers. I like my garden just the way it is." Alchemy
"An Alteration expert, eh? How about you turn my skin to stone? That'd go down a riot back at the barracks." Alteration
"Archery's a useful skill. Worth honing." Archery*
"Blocking is a useful skill. Must've saved your life many times before." Block*
"Don't suppose you could conjure me up a warm hearth?" Conjuration
"I'm half-tempted to ask you to warm me up with some of your fire magic. Don't do it, though. Then I'd have to arrest you." Destruction
"An enchanter! Think you could make this old blade spit fire? I'll take that as a no." Enchanting
"With armor that heavy it must take skill just to move. You expecting a fight?" Heavy Armor
"Don't use your Illusion magic on me. It won't end well for you. My mind is just as strong as my sword arm." Illusion
"You must have a feather-light foot and one keen eye to risk wearing such light armor, not to mention some real stones." Light Armor
"Those are dextrous hands. Bet you've picked a few locks in your day. Well, don't get any ideas here." Lockpick
"Favor fighting one-handed, eh? I mean, with a one-handed weapon, not with- never mind." One-handed*
"Those fingers of yours have slipped into many pockets. Well, don't try it on me. Or around me. Otherwise it's off to the lockup." Pickpocket
"A healer! Don't suppose I could hire you to follow me around and patch me up, eh?" Restoration
"Hey, I've heard of you - the travelling master smith, right? Can you forge me one of your legendary weapons? My arm would thank you." Smithing
"I see by your walk, your demeanor. You're a sneak. Let's just hope you're not also a thief." Sneak
"I've heard about your silver tongue. Won't let you talk your way out of an arrest, though. Bear that in mind." Speech
"I see you're a fan of bulky, weighty weapons! That's the right way to be." Two-handed*

* You must also have appropriate gear equipped.


Dialogue City Requirement
"For County Bruma." Bruma None
"Greetings, citizen of Bruma." Bruma None
"I may serve Count Carvain, but I take commands from the Guard Captain." Bruma None
"We have Hulgard to thank for our arms." Bruma None
"Needing an inn? Go to the Jerall View. There's another tavern in town, the Restful Watchman, but it... well, it has a bad reputation. Well deserved." Bruma None
"Heard some bootblack disappeared in the mountains. Rumor has it he ventured too far into some hidden Nordic ruin. Pfft." Bruma None; adds marker to your map
"Heard bandits have set up in Plundered Mine. Damned brigands. We clear them out, they always come back." Bruma Not yet cleared location
"Had the pleasure of hearing Renod's screeching? I have. Every single day. Maybe one day he'll shut up." Bruma Before Stage 50 of The Screeching Songman
"We've been having problems with smugglers lately. You hear anything about it, you go straight to the Guard Captain." Bruma Before Stage 20 of Alammu's Veil
"Be careful if you head into the northern part of the county- that area's prone to avalanches." Bruma None
"Bruma isn't the best part of Cyrodiil, but at least there's not too many mudcrabs here." Bruma None
"Jeralls are cold this time of year. And every time of year..." Bruma, Cheydinhal None
"You seen Frostcrag Spire, sitting up there on Gnoll Mountain? Beautiful sight. Almost makes me want to hike up there and take a look. Almost..." Bruma, Cheydinhal, Imperial City None; adds marker to your map
"Ever heard of a place called Barren Cave? Word is that vampires and undead have been spotted around there. I'd avoid the area, if I were you." Cheydinhal None; adds marker to your map

Dialogue added by Quests[edit]

Dialogue Requirement
"You think any of those dragons from Skyrim will find their way over here?" Completed stage 80 of Dragon Rising
"Word coming down from Skyrim is that a Dragonborn has emerged. Wonder who it could be..." Started The Way of the Voice, but not completed Dragonslayer
"Slayer of Alduin! Savior of Tamriel! It's truly an honor! Even here in Cyrodiil we've heard of your exploits." Completed Dragonslayer
"We're so close to Skyrim, I'm surprised the war hasn't spilled down here yet." Guards in Bruma if you have not completed Message to Whiterun
"Soldiers from the Skyrim Civil War... here, in Bruma? Troubled times for Skyrim." Guards in Bruma once you have completed Message to Whiterun
"Soldiers from the Skyrim Civil War... here, in Bruma? Those Nords should stop relying on us to prop them up, I say." Imperial Guards in Bruma once you have completed Message to Whiterun
"You've done some good for Bruma, or so I hear. I offer you my thanks." Guards in Bruma once you have completed Absent Antiquity but not Against the Cutters
"I heard you took down Thorina's Cutters. The people of the Jerall Mountains can sleep a little easier now, thanks to you." Guards in Bruma once you have completed Against the Cutters

Crime Dialogue[edit]

Caught by a guard right after the crime:

"Halt! Your reckless disregard for the law has come to an end. You're under arrest."
"Criminal! You've broken Imperial law! I'd advise you pay your fine, or head to jail."
"I'm placing you under arrest. Now, speak your peace!"
"Break the law on my watch, will ya? I'll be confiscating your stolen goods. No money to pay the fine? It's off to the lockup then!"
"It's all over, lawbreaker! Your spree is at an end. I'll take any stolen goods you have. The next move is yours - pay your fine, or I haul you away!"
"Stop! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit."
"Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch! I'm confiscating your stolen goods. Now pay the fine, or it's off to jail."
How about I pay you some gold and you look the other way? (<BribeCost> gold)
"A little gold always greases the wheels, eh? Now, get moving before I get the sack."
"Divines know they don't pay me enough. Thank you for your donation. Now go."
"I'll consider this little pittance your fine paid, eh? Now, off with you."
"Eh, your septims are as good as anyone else's. Let's not speak of this again."
I submit. Take me to jail.
"Hope you rot, criminal scum."
"I'm sure you'll enjoy a few months in a frigid Jerall jail cell." (Bruma only)
You caught me. I'll pay off my bounty. (<CrimeGold> gold)
"Let's get this straightened out. Your stolen goods are going back to their rightful owners, and you're coming with me."
"Your stolen goods have been confiscated, your fine is paid... everything seems to be in order. You're free to go, but I'll be watching you."
Any chance I could talk you into overlooking this? (Persuade)'
"Well, when you put it like that... okay, I'll look the other way. This time."
I'd rather die than go to prison!'
"Should have paid the fine!"
"You're not escaping my grasp!"
"Then pay with your blood!"
"Oh, no! You're not getting away so easily!"

Recognized by a guard with a low bounty:

"Come to turn yourself in, eh?"
"I could have sworn you... aha!"
You're making a mistake...
"Don't think word doesn't get around. You're on the wrong side of the law."
"The mistake is all yours, scum. Now you answer to the law!"
I don't have time for this. Do you?
"A small-time criminal? Not what I want on my service record. Go turn yourself in to some other guard. I'm not stooping to your level."
"I'm not in the mood for dealing with petty crime. Go bother another guard."

Combat Dialogue[edit]

"Give up already!"
"Should have paid the fine!"
"Are you really so eager to pay with your blood?"