Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Bruma Caverns
# of Zones | 1 | ||
Clearable | Yes | ||
Dungeon | Yes | ||
Respawn Time | 10 days or 30 days | ||
Occupants | |||
Animals, Bandits, Frost trolls, Hufsa, Dar'zorben | |||
Important Treasure | |||
Proper Lock Design Scroll of Invisibility |
Console Location Code(s) | |||
Wilderness 11,50 CYRBrumaCaverns |
Region | |||
County Bruma | |||
Location | |||
East of Bruma | |||
Ore Veins | |||
# of Corundum | 3 | ||
# of Iron | 1 |
Bruma Caverns is a large cave containing animals, bandits, and frost trolls, located east of Bruma. It contains one zone: Bruma Caverns.
Related Quests[edit]
- Absent Antiquity: Find some stolen Akaviri artifacts.
- The bandits in the Caverns co-exist uneasily with the local trolls, as evidenced by notes scattered throughout, and have been dealing with ever more aggressive wolf packs. Due to an incursion of hostile animals into the caverns, the exact numbers of animals and bandits still alive is somewhat random. The walkthrough assumes all are alive.
- This ruin contains 30 Clouded Funnel plants, 26 Wisp Stalk plants, 16 Cairn Bolete plants, 3 Snowberry plants, 1 Fly Amanita plant and 1 Green Stain Cup plant
- The Bruma Caverns also appeared in Oblivion.
Outside the cave you will find a leveled wilderness animal or ogre, an iron ore vein, a Clouded Funnel plant and a Milk Thistle Branch plant.
Bruma Caverns[edit]
Evidence of the fighting will immediately be evident upon entering, as you will stumble across a bloodied bandit corpse. The next room also shows signs of battle, with two bandit corpses and up to six wolves. Near the campsite in the western corner are a random leveled potion and a Scroll of Invisibility. Follow the winding stone ledge upwards until you arrive at a small campsite with a tent, a bedroll, another bandit corpse, and a knapsack. Press on, jumping across the gap in the ledge, until you reach the top, where you will find a burnt corpse and a chest.
Make your way down and head north, where you will immediately face a three-way intersection. Loot the nearby potion and head north, where you will find a bandit or wolf. Head west into a small room with a table with a leveled helmet, a lute, two coin purses, plenty of gold coins, and a leveled piece of magical jewelry on top of it. Taking the southern tunnel leads you back to the intersection, so press west into a large room where two bears, three bandits, and a ringleader are battling it out. In the northern corner are three bedrolls, a smuggled goods sack, and numerous bones covered in blood. Much of the rest of the room is taken up by a wooden structure on two levels. On the first, you will find an apprentice-locked chest, some gold, two random leveled potions, a gold ruby necklace, two gold ingots, an unusable bed covered in bloody bones, and an excerpt from the ringleader's diary. On the upper level are a workbench, some leather, nine iron ingots, four steel ingots, and three ebony ingots behind an overturned table. Cross the wooden bridge to the ransacked dining area, where you will find two mammoth tusks, a coin purse, a random leveled potion, and a troll note.
Make your way back to the intersection and this time head east into a room with up to two bandits and four wolves. During Absent Antiquity, you will also find Dar'zorben and the package of Akaviri jewelry here. Scattered around the room you will find two chests, two smuggled drugs sacks, a leveled sword, a cave bear pelt, a standard bear pelt, a silver candlestick, and some gold. To the east is a stone wall blocking your way: beyond it is an area that can be accessed via a trapdoor in Botram the Hammer's house. When entering from there, you will arrive in a storage area full of stolen goods, including a lute, various pieces of silverware, gold purses, and an expert-locked safe. Pick the novice-locked gate and head west, avoiding a few bear traps to arrive at the rock wall, which is opened by a nearby chain.
Head northwest out of this room, looting an apothecary's satchel with uncommon ingredients and a chest under a nearby waterfall, until you arrive at a wooden gate. Beyond it lies frost trolls, including one on a rocky spur just beyond the gate. Dispatch it and use the Whirlwind Sprint shout to reach a nearby ledge hosting a chest. Up another ledge is an iron ore vein. Make your way down the stony path to the icy lake at the very bottom, where you will find an apprentice-locked chest, a leveled magical shield, a leveled helmet, some mammoth bones, and a skeleton. Head back up a bit and move west until you reach an intersection. Take the eastern tunnel and pick the expert-locked gate to enter a room with a wooden shack built into one side. Inside is an unusable bed and a list detailing all the stolen loot: an expert-locked safe with a silver amethyst ring on top, an apprentice-locked strongbox, a knapsack, a silver bowl containing an amulet of Dibella and a gold necklace, the Lockpicking skill book Proper Lock Design, four gold ingots, four silver ingots, a Dibella statue, a random leveled potion, silverware and low-level weapons and armor.

Pick the adept-locked gate to the west and head down the tunnel, looting a leveled magical bow. At the intersection here, take the northern tunnel, which leads you to the upper level of a large room. Here, you will find two frost trolls guarding a leveled magical cuirass, two corundum ore veins, a barrel with smuggled drugs, a skeleton wearing a fur helmet, a leveled potion, a leveled helmet, and a leveled bow. It is likely the fighting will alert the two frost trolls in the level below, but if not, you can snipe at them from above. The southern tunnel at the previous intersection takes you to the lower level, which also hosts a frozen lake with salmon. Moving counter-clockwise, you will come across another corundum vein, a campsite with two tents, a chest, a knapsack, and a chopping block before you reach an opening to the north. Past this are three random leveled potions, an apprentice-locked chest, a coin purse, and a sabre cat snow pelt.
Head north through the opening, where you will come across the ruins of a campsite and a wooden shack above it. By the campsite are a few crates and silverware, while in the front of the shack is Hufsa, the troll boss and a very tough fight at lower levels. There are also two smuggled drug sacks, two smuggled drug barrels, and two chests, one of which is Dar'zorben's private stash and is opened by his key. Jump over the rocks near the northern side of the shack to access an apprentice-locked chest and take the key that sits on top of it, which opens the two locked doors in the shack as well as the nearby boss chest and safe. You can also enter the first room from a hole in the wall near the door. Inside, you will find an expert-locked safe, a strongbox, a brown bear pelt, two gold ingots behind a basket near the safe, a random leveled potion, and numerous coin purses and lockpicks. Behind the back door is another boss chest.