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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Quest Items

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This page provides a list of all quest items added by the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil mod. These are objects needed to complete a specific quest. This list does not include items given as rewards for completing a quest, although some items may be kept as rewards after some quests. See Unique Items for unique quest rewards.

Quest items have no weight, even if they state otherwise in the menu. Items that can be improved have the necessary material provided in the table. If improvement will benefit from a perk, that is also given. Improving enchanted items always requires the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

Quest Weapons[edit]

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Damage Enchantment/Quest/Notes
SR-icon-weapon-Akaviri Sword.png Alina's Akaviri Katana
1 Hand Sword Not possible 10 300 11 Quest: The Way Home
SR-icon-weapon-Akaviri Sword.png Corvon's Akaviri Katana
1 Hand Sword Not possible 10 300 11 Quest: The Way Home
SR-icon-weapon-Akaviri Sword.png Glenroy's Akaviri Katana
1 Hand Sword Not possible 10 300 11 Quest: The Way Home
SR-icon-weapon-Akaviri Sword.png Raaslan's Akaviri Katana
1 Hand Sword Not possible 10 300 11 Quest: The Way Home

Quest Apparel[edit]

Name (ID) Type Tempering Weight Value Armor Rating Enchantment/Quest/Notes
SR-icon-jewelry-AmuletOfTalos.png Aera's Amulet of Talos
Amulet N/A 1 20 0 Quest: Aera the Devout's missing amulet

Other Quest Items[edit]

Name (ID) Weight Value Quest/Notes

SR-icon-book-Note2.png Avar's Note to Hulgard
0 0 Quest: Word to Bruma
BS5C-icon-misc-AyleidStatue.png Ayleid Statue
3 300 Quest: Whispers of the Mountain
BS5C-icon-misc-Boot.png Beacon
1 0 Quest: Whispers of the Mountain
SR-icon-book-Journal1.png Book of Killing
1 1 Quest: Gort's Generic Fetch Quest
SR-icon-misc-BurnedBook.png Burning document
2 0 Quest: The Courier
SR-icon-misc-Emerald.png Cerendil's Memory-Gem
0.1 300 Quest: Convince Cerendil to drop the charges against Bentior
SR-icon-misc-Coin Purse Medium.png Coin Purse
0.3 100 Quest: Payments for Razzada
BS5C-icon-food-Mead.png Delivery of Applewatch Cider
4 30 Quest: Cider Delivery
BS5C-icon-misc-FightersGuildAdvert.png Fighters Guild Advert
0.1 0 Quest: Fighter's Guild Advertising
SR-icon-book-Note3.png Greenwood Mead Invoice
0 0 Quest: Shipping request to Greenwood
SR-icon-book-Note3.png Greenwood Mead Order
0 0 Quest: Shipping request to Greenwood
SR-icon-misc-Satchel.png Heirloom
2 0 Quest: Alammu's Veil
  • If opened, contains 5 skooma bottles
SR-icon-misc-Imperial War Horn.png Legate Precilius Varo's [sic] Warhorn
5 70 Quest: A Stormcloak in Chains
SR-icon-book-Note3.png Letter of Permission
0 0 Quest: A Stormcloak in Chains
SR-icon-misc-ImperialDocuments.png List of Stormcloak Sympathizers
0.5 0 Quest: The Courier
BS5C-icon-misc-Boot.png Mysterious Mage Boot
1 12 Quest: Whispers of the Mountain
SR-icon-misc-BlackSoulGem.png Mysterious Soul Gem
1 20 Quest: Whispers of the Mountain
SR-icon-misc-Satchel.png Package of Akaviri Jewelry
5 2000 Quest: Absent Antiquity
SR-icon-misc-Lute.png Renod's Prized Lute
4 200 Quest: The Screeching Songman
SR-icon-book-Journal1.png Serulius's Journal
1 1 Quest: Return Serulius' journal
SR-icon-book-Note2.png Threatening Letter from Adius
0 0 Quest: Absent Antiquity