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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Aebond Malumea

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Aebond Malumea
(RefID: xx001F23)
Location Applewatch
House Aebond and Pelena's House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 6 Class Farmer
RefID xx001F23 BaseID xx001D79
Other Information
Health 91 Magicka 67
Stamina 67
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Faction(s) CYRApplewatchAebondsHouseFaction; CYRCrimeFactionBruma; CYRTownApplewatchFaction
Aebond Malumea

Aebond Malumea is an Imperial farmer living in Applewatch with his wife Pelena and son Ertius.

After waking up early at 6am and enjoying a short family breakfast, at 7am Aebond and his wife head out to the village orchard, where they will work for the next eleven hours. At 6pm he heads back home for dinner and then spends the rest of the evening indoors, eventually going to bed at midnight. On Sundas, he enjoys a four-hour dinner with his family and parents Gergus and Cindaia.

On Tirdas and Turdas, instead of working in the orchard Aebond travels to the market in Bruma to sell his produce. When you first arrive in town though, Hjotra Faleria at the Jerall View Inn mentions that their usual Applewatch cider shipment from Aebond is late and asks you to investigate. Indeed, his father Gergus will confirm Aebond had been feeling ill recently and hands you the parcel.

Aebond wears Cyrodiilic merchant clothes and merchant's boots, and is armed with an iron dagger. He carries the key to the house and a random selection of gold, lockpicks, gems, jewelry, food and drink.


When in Applewatch Aebond will greet you:

"Welcome to Applewatch, stranger."
"I bet you've seen some things. The kind of things I've never seen."
"Don't usually have trouble with bandits or timber wolves, but I've been taking sword lessons from Benuni just in case."

If you're in Bruma, he admits his longing to step out of the village:

"I'm here from Applewatch to sell our homemade apple cider."
"Sometimes I feel intimidated here in Bruma. Much bigger than Applewatch. So many faces... faces that I don't know. Almost exciting. Almost."
"People are always talking about things here. Things I'd like to witness for myself."
"Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to spend more time in Bruma, but then I remember that Gergus expects me back before dark."

If you note his unhappiness he admits:

"You noticed? Heh, I guess I don't really try to hide it. Yeah, it's true."

Offer to take him with you on your travels and he considers:

"With you? You know, as much as I lust after adventure and excitement, I don't think it's really my calling. If I tried that kind of thing I'd be dead within the week. No, stranger. I'm content to admire such things from afar. My place is here. Thanks for the offer, though."