Better Cities:Blood Castle

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Blood Castle
Console Location Code(s)
BloodCastleArmoury, BloodCastleBarracks, BloodCastleBedroom, BloodCastleDiningHall, BloodCastleGreatHall, BloodCastleJail, BloodCastleKnightHall, BloodCastleMaiden, BloodCastleMaiden1stfloor, BloodCastleMaiden2ndFloor, BloodCastlePrivateQuarters, BloodCastleServantQuarters

The Blood Castle is a player home obtained by completing the Ruun quest trilogy: The Bloodscript, Blade of the Goddess, and The Legacy of Ardan. It is located in its own dimension, accessible by activating a whistling skull.

The castle is large and consists of several parts. When you teleport there, you arrive in the middle of the courtyard; the Armoury, Barracks, and Maiden's House are accessible from here. A drawbridge leads across a broad moat to the main keep.


The castle armory is located in the southwest corner of the courtyard, to the left of the portcullis as you're facing it. The door opens into a dimly-lit tower; a short passage runs back to the main room, which is lined with weapon racks, tables, and shelves for displaying weapons and armor. A doorway at the opposite end of the room opens into another tower, which has a few racks on the wall.


The barracks is a large building on the north end of the courtyard. It has three floors; the ground floor is a common area, which has some weapon racks and chests for storage, as well as a large dining table. The second floor is the sleeping area, holding all the soldier's beds. The third floor is the captain's office, which has her desk, various cabinets and cupboards for storage, and a couple more weapon racks.

Dining Hall[edit]

Dining Hall, main room

The dining hall has a main room for the lord, nobles, and guests, with three long tables arranged in a horseshoe capable of seating up to 11 people; a kitchen, where the staff and servants take their meals; and a wine cellar where all the vintages are stored. A secret tunnel in one of the wine casks leads to the lower level of the Private Quarters; hallways in the upper part of this area also lead to the Private Quarters.

Dining Hall, kitchen and staff area

Great Hall[edit]

The doors of the keep lead straight to the Great Hall, which is divided into two parts. The first part is simply a large (and mostly empty) hall; doors here lead to the Jail and Knight Hall. The second, smaller, part is the throne room itself, which has a dais with the throne, and a pedestal with an orb that can teleport you back to Cyrodiil. Doorways behind the throne lead to a room filled with display cases; a door at the rear of the room goes to the Dining Hall.

Knight Hall[edit]

The Knight Hall, main room

The Knight Hall is a secondary hall where the castle staff can gather and relax when they're not on duty. The main doors from the Great Hall open into an entry area; the main room lies beyond a pair of arches. Braziers along the walls keep the chill off, and several tables and benches placed around the room allow people to sit and chat, or work on minor tasks. A set of stairs leads up to a balcony with doors leading to the Private Quarters, Private Chambers, and the castle roof. A hallway under the stairs leads back to a handful of rooms for guests, which are small but well-appointed.

Maiden's House[edit]

The Maiden's House is home to Maiden Andrya and her handmaids, Kara and Illrindya. It is located on the southern end of the courtyard, opposite the barracks. It has three floors. The lowest is for entertaining guests; the door opens into a hallway with a low table displaying silver artwork. One end leads to a small dining room, while the other leads to a sitting area and the stairs upward. The second floor is the maids' quarters; a landing here has an easel where Andrya likes to paint, and a table and two chairs. A door leads to a short hallway and a pair of small rooms. The stairs continue up to the third floor, where Andrya lives in a large apartment that has access to a balcony overlooking the courtyard.

Private Chambers[edit]

The Private Chambers belong to the lord/lady of the castle, and is only accessible via the Knight Hall (either directly, or by way of the roof through a back entrance). The main door leads to a large sitting area with several storage cupboards, a small desk, and a handful of bookshelves. A short hallway leads up to the main bedroom, which is dominated by a double bed on a dais; an alcove at the rear of the bedroom serves as another sitting area, and a short hallway beyond this leads up to the roof access.

Private Quarters[edit]

Private Quarters, main room
Private Quarters, main display room
Private Quarters, vault

The private quarters are the largest part of the castle. The main door from the Knight Hall opens into a long hallway; a door down near one end opens into a gathering room/library with bookshelves and display cases. Andrion's quarters and office adjoin this room; a set of stairs in the northeast end lead up to a large display room, and a door to the north opens into a small sitting room, which has another door that opens onto stairs leading down to the vault. A back entrance from the vault leads under the castle to the wine cellar in the Dining Hall.


Maiden Andrya