Better Cities:Aurellia

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(RefID: xx02D6E4)
Home City Chorrol
House Aurellia's Shack
Race Redguard Gender Female
Level 7 Class Commoner
RefID xx02D6E4 BaseID xx02D64F
Other Information
Health 88 Magicka 190
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Chorrol Citizen

Aurellia is a Redguard commoner who lives in Chorrol.

She gets up at 6am every morning and eats breakfast, then goes to browse the shelves at Renoit's Books for a couple of hours. At 10am, she does some shopping at Northern Goods and Trade, then goes home to eat lunch at noon. She spends a couple of hours relaxing after lunch, then goes to afternoon services at the chapel at 4pm; at 6pm, she goes to The Oak and Crosier for dinner, returns home at 9pm and spends an hour cleaning up, and goes to bed at 10pm.

Aurellia wears a russet felt outfit and shoes, and carries moderate amount of gold and a house key.

Her house is located in the northeast corner of the city. It is a single-room affair with cheap furnishings: two stools and a chest that serves as a table sit before a fireplace, and a bed and another chest sit across from them. Some barrels, cupboards, and a rack of shelves round out the items of interest.

Aside from rumors, she has nothing to say.
