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Arena talk:Elden Grove

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Running High Jump with Mouse?[edit]

"To do so, you have to put your crosshair in the top of your screen, changing your "x" aiming icon into an arrow pointing up; now you can jump over the walls. If you don't do this you can't jump over such a high obstacle." "Pressing the left mouse button down and holding it while pressing the right mouse button will perform this running jump."

The Standstill jump or Standing Long Jump, will allow you to easily get the key at Selene's web. The main reason I took issue with the above was concerning the position of the cursor. Jump, Standstill Jump, and Jumping to exit a boat, all require the cursor be above the menu bar, but it doesn't matter which cursor icon is displayed. It seems I've read about a running jump, and in one of the older versions I tested, running towards the edge of an area would sometimes cause me to jump, seemingly, like a Standstill Jump. Does anyone know if this is possible in 1.06 and 1.07. If so, we should include it in the Controls sections. --Satribe (talk) 02:19, 27 February 2021 (UTC)
I was able to get my mouse working with my PC laptop. Yes, you can perform a running jump. You don't really jump higher, but you can jump farther than a standstill jump. It requires the cursor be the UP arrow for either mouse or keyboard controls. --Satribe (talk) 21:45, 27 February 2021 (UTC)