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Temples are places of religious worship and can be found both within named settlements and out in the wilderness. They provide services such as giving blessings, curing diseases and poisonings, and providing healing for a donation. On some holidays across the continent, certain of these services are half price or free of charge. Furthermore, the temples may remain open during the day, somewhat rare in Arena as most services close at 6 PM because after this time, monsters and bandits roam the streets. You can receive the aforementioned services from the priests residing in the temples.
List of Known Temples[edit]
Temple Welcome Messages[edit]
Whenever you enter a Temple, you will receive any of the following self addressed messages according to the present season in the Calendar and weather.
- Winter
- "You enter the [Temple name], rubbing your hands together to warm them on this bright winter's day. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "The [Temple name] sanctuary is as austerely beautiful as the bright winter's day outside. Tendrils of sweet incense rise from the floor as if in greeting..."
- "On a day as cold as it is blindingly bright, it is easy to see why this part of the [Temple name] is called the sanctuary. Far off to the distance, you can hear the clergy at prayer."
- Overcast Winter
- "You enter the [Temple name], rubbing your hands to warm them and hoping that your spirits can be lifted on this cold, overcast day. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "Already you can feel the power of the [Temple name] sanctuary, thawing your frigid body, brightening your spirits which have grown dark as the cloud filled sky..."
- "Strange sounds and smells meet you as you leave the cold, cloudy winter's day: the incense's bittersweet aroma is new to your senses and the clergy of [Temple name] sing solemnly in a language dead for many eons..."
- Snowy Winter
- "You enter the [Temple name], shaking the snow off of yourself and stamping your feet to warm them. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "Brushing the snow off your shoulders and head, you walk into the [Temple name] sanctuary. The smell of incense strikes you immediately, spicy and somewhat sweet..."
- "You trail some snow into the [Temple name] sanctuary as you enter. The air is as cold as outside here, yet filled with the smell of incense and the sound of the clergy praying..."
- Spring
- "You enter the [Temple name] and a cool spring breeze follows you, bringing with it the smell of fresh blooms. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "It is bright and fresh in the [Temple name] sanctuary as the spring day outside. In the distance, you can hear the chanting of the clergy."
- "The smell of the new blossoms of spring that came into the [Temple name] sanctuary with you mixes with the slightly spicy smell of incense. You can hear the clergy far away, giving a pray of thanksgiving for the beauty of the new year."
- Overcast Spring
- "You enter the [Temple name] wishing that the sun would return and make the day a truly pleasant one. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "You walk into the [Temple name], smelling the sweet incense that rises like a cloud from the sanctuary floor. In the distance, you hear the clergy praying for a return of the sun to this dreary spring day..."
- "You enter the [Temple name], gray as this spring day sky. Almost immediately the bittersweet smell of the incense strengthens your spirit. The clergy drone their prayers far off in the distance."
- Rainy Spring
- "You enter the [Temple name], shaking the warm rain off of yourself. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "Trailing puddles of warm spring rain behind you, you enter the [Temple name] sanctuary. An open window lets the smell of the storm in, overpowering the sweet incense of the [Temple name] itself."
- "Wiping the warm rain from your shoulders and head, you walk into the [Temple name] sanctuary. Off to the distance, you can hear the clergy, prayer in a sing-song for a good planting season for the farmers..."
- Summer
- "You enter the [Temple name], thankful for the respite from the harsh summer sun. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "The stinging of prickly heat is instantly soothed the moment you enter the [Temple name] sanctuary. In the distance, you can hear the low murmur of chanting. This is a place of great tranquillity."
- "The god who protects this [Temple name] must be great indeed, for it is as bright as the summer day yet comfortable as a shadowy place within. A pleasant floral odor of incense fills the air."
- Overcast Summer
- "You enter the [Temple name], hoping that your spirits can be lifted on this gray, overcast day. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "As miserable as the sweltering summer day is, it is at least less eerie than the sterile [Temple name] sanctuary. No birds or insects can be heard in here, and the air is empty of both smell and temperature. It may be very holy indeed, but you feel like you have stepped into a void."
- "The [Temple name] sanctuary is a haven for all, a place of self reflection, solitude, and prayer. It is always perfectly mild in here, as hot and cloudy as the day outside may be..."
- Rainy Summer
- "You enter the [Temple name], shaking the rain off of yourself. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "You enter the hallowed ground of the [Temple name] sanctuary, the sounds of the summer rain shower mixing with that of the chanting clergy. All your tension like water flows away."
- "A fine mist, escaped from the tempest outside, has flooded the [Temple name] sanctuary bringing all the smells of summer with it. You recognize the sing-song prayer of the clergy as a plea for a bountiful fall harvest."
- Autumn
- "You enter the [Temple name] and a cool fall breeze follows you into the hallowed halls. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "The musty smell of autumn in the outside air becomes mixed with the spicy odor of incense as you enter the [Temple name] sanctuary..."
- "The stained glass windows in the [Temple name] sanctuary catch the rays from the bright autumn sun and transform them into crystalline fire."
- Overcast Autumn
- "You enter the [Temple name], hoping that your spirits can be lifted on this cold, overcast day. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "It is a miserable autumn day, but within the [Temple name], there is faith yet that the winter may not be so deadly..."
- "Cold, dark clouds hang over the [Temple name], but within you find all is bright and warm. Billowing clouds of perfumed incense greet the fog of your breath."
- Rainy Autumn
- "You enter the warm [Temple name], shaking the cold rain off of yourself. You can hear chanting in the distance..."
- "Wet from the autumn thunderstorm, you enter the [Temple name], dripping. The warm smell of incense begins to invigorate you, and in the distance, you can hear the [Temple name] clergy at prayer."
- "It is a place of peace, this [Temple name] sanctuary. Only by concentrating on the world outside yourself can you hear the vague drumbeat of the autumn thunderstorm outside."