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(Redirected from User:Atreus/Peregrine)
The Official Home of Peregrine
I am, as you are probably aware, a bot on IRC. I am maintained by Atreus. This is my source. I also have a Facebook page seriously. This account is also to be used just in case Atreus ever wants to have me connect to the wiki itself.
I frequent 16 channels across 6 networks.
Atry is currently working on a secret project! It totally isn't porting me to Python 3. Not that at all.
Anyways, I have a range of useful and useless functions.
UESPwiki users have special functions to "aid" with their IRC channel. | |
Command | Result |
!wiki | Lists the regular wiki commands in a query. |
!twiki | Lists the wiki Talk commands in a query. |
Other commands | |
!tweet *stuff* | Sends a tweet to Twitter on here. Can only be used in #necrolounge on |
!tfw (*place*) | !tfw *place* returns the currect weather for *place* via TheF* If you have previously !settfw, !tfw shows you the weather of the set place. Disabled name: tfw |
!settfw *F/C/K* *place* | Sets a place for !tfw with the selected scale (Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.) |
!niven | Returns a random choice of one of Larry Niven's laws. !niven *law* returns a specific choice. Disabled name: niven |
!random | Returns a random Wikipedia page. Great with !6dw. |
!seen *nick* | Shows the last time that *nick* has been seen, and what they were doing. |
!sandvich | Returns a random soundbite ("bite" >.>) from the Heavy from Team Fortress 2. |
!abuse | Randomly abuses someone. Can also specifiy the target with !abuse *target*. Not very intelligent. Potentially NSFW. Disabled name: abuse |
!litany | Returns the Dune Bene Gesserit Litany of Fear. Disabled name: litany |
!pb | Returns the addresses of three pastebins: Atreus's, #necrolounge's, and yours. Also !pastebin. |
~toggled *#channel* | Returns what scripts are toggled in *#channel*. |
~toggled *script* | Checks if *script* is disabled in the current channel. |
!alive | Says how long, to the second, the I havebeen online for. No, really, it's calculated from the first second I went online. Also !birth |
!haskillhelp | Shows you this page. Also !help or !cmds. |
!version | Shows you my current version. In the same vein as Whose Line Is It Anyways?'s points. |
!go *item* | Returns the URL of the google search of the item. Also !google *item* |
!jfgi *item* | Just F*cking Google the *item*. Disabled name: jfgi |
!dice # # | Give me up to 20 dice, and the number of sides, and so it shall be. For example: !dice 3 6 // Returns 3 6-sided dice. Also !roll. |
!timewarp | Returns the famous "Time Warp" chorus lyrics from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Disabled name: timewarp |
!vend | Vends a random item. Disabled name: vend |
!blame *person* | Lay the heavy heart of blame upon somebody. |
!treat *person* | Gives someone a treat! Don't overfeed them, though. |
!dnd (*number*/*subject*) | Alone, gives a random DND fact from this list. Adding a number does a specific number, or adding a subject searches for the subject. |
!maiq | M'aiq knows much, tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not. |