Tamriel Rebuilt:Urussabi

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Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Daedra, Rothyn Adano
Console Location Code(s)
Velothi Mountains, [-15,-16]

Urussabi is a vast subterranean labyrinth filled with Daedra.

To reach this place, leave Bodrum via its northern exit, and turn west on leaving the quarry. At the next junction turn northwest, and keep going as you ascend into the hills. Look for a right-hand turn right after a sharp bend to the south, and take this path leading into the mountains. Turn left after the first set of wooden stairs, and you will find Urussabi at the end of the path.

While the Daedra within are challenging, the layout of the cave itself seems to be against you, with multiple branching passageways that wind over and under each other, making navigation via the mini-map difficult. There is a considerable amount of treasure inside for the persistent adventurer however.

Notable Loot[edit]

  • A small chest filled with gems lies among several skeletons in the Devourer's chamber.
  • In the same chamber, you can find an Ebony Open Helm behind a rock on the right-hand-side.
  • Another chest on a ledge in the Dark Seducer's chamber contains over two thousand gold, with an Adamantium Katana buried in the Stinkhorn Cap beside it.
  • A Scroll of Supreme Domination lies in a central chamber, guarded by a Daedroth.
  • A Steel Staff of the Ancestor lies in Rothyn Adano's room, along with Rising Force potions needed to escape this portion of the cave.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Rothyn Adano Female Dark Elf Warlock 13 82 400 0 100