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Tamriel Rebuilt:Omaynis

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Omaynis (lore page)
Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Hlaalu
Region: Roth Roryn

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

Silt Strider:

The statue of St. Felms and Omaynis' wealthy district
The western approach to Omaynis

Omaynis is a small Hlaalu settlement in Roth Roryn, just east of the final stretch of the Pryai River. It was formerly part of the Stones March: a House Redoran territory, and the Velothi townsfolk may be heard to remark that they still have many friends in Redoran territory.

Life in Omaynis itself revolves largely around the egg mine at its center, and even the tavern can be found within the mine's tunnels - although since the Hlaalu have begun paying the miners' in Hlaalu Company Scrip there has been less gold to go round. Other services are sparse, and limited to a smith and a trader on the eastern side of town. The higher part of town is the wealthiest, and it is here that the manor of the governor, Alvuru Omayn, can be found.

Standing above the town on its southern edge is a statue of St. Felms, which the townsfolk appear to be very proud of. Of late however, a Temple novice named Nevusa Lladri has come to petition the governor for the statue's removal to more populous lands - to meet with the governor's staunch opposition.

To the northwest, on the banks of the Pryai, Naru Ouradas is dealing with the implications of her new goblinken neighbor, and will gladly request your help, while the high and mighty of House Hlaalu sit in Andothren impatiently awaiting the construction of Omaynis Inn.

Getting There and Around[edit]

The town is most easily accessed on foot by taking the road running between Teyn and Bodrum, but silt strider services do operate, running to the Hlaalu city of Andothren, and Bodrum itself.

Places of Interest Around Omaynis[edit]

The surrounds of Roth Roryn are littered with caves, but two truly unusual sights are close to Omaynis. The first is short way up the hill beyond the statue - an Unusual Shipwreck. The second is a little further along in the same direction - an oddly spherical rock atop a mountain peak, that marks the site of a curse laid by Sheogorath.

Related Quests[edit]



Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Aalmu Hlaryneth Female Dark Elf Commoner 4 58 86 100 30 Aalmu Hlaryneth's House
Ahakh gro-Bulg Male Orc Scout 6 90 72 0 30 Outside: Street Trainer
Alvuru Omayn Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 7 71 100 0 30 Omayn Manor
Aro Helseri Male Dark Elf Trader Great House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 7 82 100 100 30 Aro Helseri: Trader Merchant
Balen Romayen Male Dark Elf Commoner Great House Redoran Hireling(Hireling) 5 68 88 100 30 Outside: Street Appears only during quest
Cornelius Vulpo Male Imperial Scribe Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 5 69 118 100 30 Omayn Manor
Duni Llothren Female Dark Elf Commoner Great House Redoran Hireling(Hireling) 5 63 88 100 30 Outside: Street Appears only during quest
Ervan Indrano Male Dark Elf Smith Great House Redoran Retainer(Retainer) 8 107 92 100 30 Outside: Street Appears only during quest
Fels Nerethi Male Dark Elf Miner 3 66 84 100 30 Mining Company Bunkhouse
Galotha Sareloth Female Dark Elf Caravaner 11 113 132 100 30 Silt Strider Platform Travel services
Horusia Luctor Female Imperial Commoner 5 68 88 0 30 Horusia Luctor's House
Inera Salvel Female Dark Elf Baker 2 40 104 100 30 Omayn Manor Baker
Jeryn Male Dark Elf Commoner Great House Redoran Hireling(Hireling) 5 78 68 100 30 Outside: Street Appears only during quest
Kalisheeus Male Argonian Commoner 5 63 88 0 30 Outside Naru Ouradas' Shack
Llayno Indalas Male Dark Elf Farmer 1 45 80 100 30 Llayno Indalas' House
Meryn Sarano Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 5 56 92 100 30 Shrine Merchant, Spell Merchant, Spellmaker
Minissa Female Redguard Miner 4 79 64 0 30 Omaynis, Egg Mine: Queen's Lair
Nabbari Female Khajiit Miner 2 53 82 100 30 Omaynis, Egg Mine
Nalvos Omayn Male Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 6 69 96 100 30 Outside: High Field
Naru Ouradas Female Dark Elf Fisherman 2 51 82 100 30 Outside Naru Ouradas' Shack Quest giver
Narusea Verenim Female Dark Elf Miner 3 61 84 100 30 Omaynis, Egg Mine
Neresa Brenos Female Dark Elf Smith Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 2 53 82 100 30 Neresa Brenos: Smith Blacksmith
Nevusa Lladri Female Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 4 47 88 100 30 Outside: Street Quest giver
Oblisheeus Male Dark Elf Miner 4 69 84 100 30 Omaynis, Egg Mine
Olvys Omayn Male Dark Elf Publican Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 3 50 106 100 30 Omaynis, Egg Mine Innkeeper
Podd Male Redguard Warrior Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 12 155 78 100 30 Outside: High Field
Ruben Male Redguard Miner 4 84 64 0 30 Omaynis, Egg Mine
Serra Ravyn Female Dark Elf Farmer 4 62 84 100 30 Outside: Low Field
Sulis Faveran Male Dark Elf Smuggler Camonna Tong Bully(Bully) 4 60 84 100 30 Omaynis, Egg Mine
Suramond Male Redguard Commoner 6 84 72 100 30 Suramond's House Quest giver
Svaring Male Nord Commoner Great House Redoran Retainer(Retainer) 8 96 76 100 30 Outside: Street Appears only during quest
Ulmon Vathri Male Dark Elf Commoner 5 68 88 0 30 Ulmon Vathri's House
Vaarhelish Male Argonian Commoner 5 63 88 100 30 Outside: Street
Vagoth Male Wood Elf Miner 4 64 84 100 30 Omaynis, Egg Mine
Vels Gobor Male Dark Elf Commoner 5 68 88 100 30 Vels Gobor's House
Vraginleif Male Nord Miner 3 76 64 100 30 Mining Company Bunkhouse


Map Key


  • 1. Naru Ouradas' Shack
  • 2. Silt Strider
  • 3. Suramond's House
  • 4. Mining Company Bunkhouse
  • 5. Llayno Indalas' House
  • 6. Statue of St. Felms
  • 7. Ulmon Vathri's House
  • 8. Horusia Luctor's House
  • 9. Shrine of St. Aralor
  • 10. Egg Mine (and Miners' Tavern)
  • 11. Aalmu Hlaryneth's House
  • 12. Omayn Manor
  • 13. Vels Gobor's House
  • 14. Neresa Brenos: Smith
  • 15. Guard Tower
  • 16. Aro Helseri: Trader