
Skyrim:A New Source of Stalhrim

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Skyrim Quest Redesign Project.
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Walkthrough: written by Krusty, not checked
Reward: written by multiple users, not checked
Find a blacksmith missing from Skaal Village.
Quest Giver: Deor Woodcutter
Location(s): Abandoned Lodge,
Northshore Landing
Prerequisite Quest: The Fate of the Skaal
Next Quest: Sell Stalhrim Armor and Weapons to Ancarion, Lost Legacy
Reward: Ability to craft stalhrim armor and weapons, map marker for the Stalhrim Source
Suggested Level: 10

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Deor Woodcutter in Skaal Village.
  2. Find Baldor Iron-Shaper at the abandoned lodge.
  3. Retrieve the map from Ancarion at Northshore Landing.
  4. Return to Baldor in Skaal Village.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Finding Baldor[edit]

If you return to Skaal Village after the quest The Fate of the Skaal, you will overhear a conversation between Fanari and Deor:

NOTE: Do not talk to anyone until they finish their conversation—see bugs.
"Something isn't right, Fanari."

Fanari: "Deor, you must be calm. I'm sure there's a good reason Baldor left us."
Deor: "Something isn't right, Fanari. I feel it in my bones and I smell it in the air. Baldor wouldn't leave without telling someone."
Fanari: "Don't worry yourself over nothing, Deor. Do you want a head full of gray hairs before you've seen forty winters?"
Deor: "It makes my heart heavy that you don't believe me, Fanari. Baldor could be in danger, and you will do nothing. If you won't help me, then I'll ask the All-Maker to send someone else who can."

If you ask Fanari about the missing person, she will just brush it off as another of Deor's crazy ideas, but Deor is quite serious. He will tell you that local blacksmith Baldor Iron-Shaper went missing in the middle of the night. Deor suspects a kidnapping motivated by Baldor's valuable expertise in stalhrim smithing. On the night of his disappearance Deor also saw two elves dragging something away to the "south and west", so start your search in that direction.

Abandoned Lodge[edit]

The abducted blacksmith

While Deor's directions could lead you more-or-less anywhere on Solstheim, your compass objective marker will point you directly to an Abandoned Lodge southwest of the Temple of Miraak. The lodge is normally empty, but once you arrive, you'll be attacked by four hostile members of the Thalmor. Dispose of them and loot their bodies for the key to the lodge. Inside, look around until you are met with the surprising sight of Mikael's book, A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun. Head into the basement where you will find the scared, tied-up smith in a corner, weeping: "Help! Somebody! Please, someone, help me!" and "I have been taken against my will! I am in need of rescue!"

When you talk to Baldor, he will remember you as the hero who rescued the people of Skaal Village. Despite his wounds, he'll claim he's not hurt. When you ask why the Thalmor abducted him, he'll reply: "I do not know this word Thalmor, but if you mean the elves, they were trying to learn the secrets of forging Stalhrim. Their leader, an elf named Ancarion, has a map. He says that it shows the location of a hidden source of Stalhrim." He will then explain what stalhrim is: "Enchanted ice as hard as iron and cold as death. Stalhrim can be forged into deadly weapons, but the art is known only to smiths of the Skaal." He will then point you towards a Thalmor ship at the northwestern coast where Ancarion resides. He asks you to retrieve the map as it belongs to the Skaal people. Leave the wounded smith behind and head towards the northwestern shores of Solstheim. This quest is now complete, and the next two will start when you return to Skaal Village.


  • The stalhrim source that the Thalmor are seeking is in the mountains to the south of Northshore Landing, and will be added to your game map if you read the Stalhrim Source Map. There are another two stalhrim deposits just east of the ship, on a small unmarked island surrounded by horkers.
  • If you have completed The Gardener of Men, all the villagers including Baldor will be "busy" until you complete At the Summit of Apocrypha. Make sure to talk to Baldor before you talk to Storn if you wish to complete this first.


  • If you talk to the two Skaal villagers discussing the disappearance of the village blacksmith before they have finished talking, you will be unable to interact with the male villager, Deor Woodcutter, thus making the quest unattainable.
    • On PC If the quest fails to start, use Setstage DLC2SV02 10 to kick it off.
  • There is a chance that the Thalmor Soldiers at the Abandoned Lodge will not be named, rendering them unlootable, thus making it impossible to obtain the key.
    • PC Only The Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, version 1.0.3, fixes this bug.
    • This can be fixed by typing player.additem xx027e00 1 into the console where "xx" is the load order number of the Dragonborn add-on.
  • There is a chance that after you speak with Deor your compass marker will point you to the furthest southwest point on the map, rather than the abandoned lodge.
    • This can be fixed by waiting 48 hours outside of the abandoned lodge. The compass marker will move to the correct location and Baldor will spawn inside the lodge.
  • Since Deor and Fanari are only marked as Protected, they can be killed by the player (for example, accidentally during the battle with the Lurker after the Wind Stone is freed). This will prevent the quest from starting.
    • PC Only The Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, version 1.0.4, addresses this issue. It resurrects them if necessary, and marks them as Essential until the quest has started.
    • You can force the quest to start by using Setstage DLC2SV02 10.[verification needed]

Quest Stages[edit]

A New Source of Stalhrim (DLC2SV02)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Baldor Iron-Shaper, the smith in Skaal Village, has gone missing. One of the other villagers, Deor, said he saw two elves dragging something through the woods on the day of Baldor's disappearance. They were heading southwest.
Objective 10: Search for Baldor Iron-Shaper
20 Baldor Iron-Shaper, the smith in Skaal Village, was abducted by the Thalmor. They were trying to get him to reveal the secret of forging Stalhrim. Baldor told me that the Thalmor leader, Ancarion, had a map that showed the location of a new source of Stalhrim, and he asked me to retrieve it.
Objective 30: Retrieve the Stalhrim Source Map
30 Baldor Iron-Shaper, the smith in Skaal Village, was abducted by the Thalmor. They were trying to get him to reveal the secret of forging Stalhrim. Baldor told me that the Thalmor leader, Ancarion, had a map that showed the location of a new source of Stalhrim, and I retrieved it. Now I need to bring it back to Baldor.
Objective 40: Talk to Baldor Iron-Shaper
200 Finishes quest☑ Baldor Iron-Shaper, the smith in Skaal Village, was abducted by the Thalmor. They were trying to get him to reveal the secret of forging Stalhrim. Baldor told me that the Thalmor leader, Ancarion, had a map that showed the location of a new source of Stalhrim. I returned the map to Baldor and in gratitude, he offered to let me use his forge, where I can craft new items made from Stalhrim.
Objective 20: Talk to Baldor Iron-Shaper
A New Source of Stalhrim (DLC2SV02Misc)
Objective 10: Ask Deor about Baldor's disappearance
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table:
    • DLC2SV02: 0, 40, 50, 100, 110.
    • DLC2SV02Misc: 0, 200.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage DLC2SV02/DLC2SV02Misc stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest DLC2SV02/DLC2SV02Misc.