Skyrim:Aela the Huntress

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Aela the Huntress
(RefID: 0001A697)
(lore page)
Home City Whiterun
Location Jorrvaskr
Race Nord Gender Female
Level PC×1 (range=8-50) Class Thief
RefID 0001A697 BaseID 0001A696
Training Trainer (Expert)Archery (Expert)
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-1)×8.3
Magicka 50
Stamina 50+(PC-1)×6.7
Primary Skills Archery, Light Armor, Sneak, One-handed, Speech
Perks None
Class Details TrainerMarksmanExpert
Morality No Crime Aggression Aggressive
Essential Yes, until Glory of the Dead is completed
Marry Yes Follower Yes
StewardHF Yes
Voice Type FemaleCommander
Faction(s) CompanionsCirclePlusKodlak; CompanionsCircle; CompanionsFactionMinusBrillAndVignar; GuardFaction; Marksman Trainer; PotentialFollowerFaction; PotentialMarriageFaction; The Companions 0(Cohort); TownWhiterunFaction; WIAdditem03ExclusionFaction
Aela the Huntress

Aela the Huntress, a Nord thief, is one of the elite members of the legendary Companions who reside in Jorrvaskr, the overturned ship and mead hall in the Wind District of Whiterun. Aela is one of the highest-ranking members and as such, is a member of the secret group, the Circle, along with Skjor, Farkas, and Vilkas. She is a passionate hunter but does not always hunt for game, as a group of werewolf hunters have attracted her attention, for reasons you will discover as you progress through the Companions quest line, where she plays a huge part. She will also provide a variety of radiant quests, some of which you will have to complete to advance in rank. She will join you on many adventures and can be hired as your follower once the Companions quest line is completed. At that point, it is possible to ask for her hand, as she will be available for marriage. She is also an expert trainer in the art of Archery, a service she only provides when you have joined the Companions by completing the initiation quest.

Although the majority of Skyrim's citizens make fun of the amount of mead being downed in the hall, especially by the newcomers, Aela takes great pride in the team of warriors and spends all of her time in or around Jorrvaskr. Her room is located in the private quarters downstairs, adjacent to Skjor's room, and she sleeps there every night between midnight and 8am. When she wakes up she heads upstairs and spends most of her day there, either wandering around chatting to the other members or relaxing in one of the chairs. At 10am she sits down for a three-hour breakfast and at 3pm she heads out to the training court behind the building where she strolls around or relaxes on the ground next to the target pads. The rest of the time is spent in the mead hall until she heads back to her quarters and goes to bed at midnight. There are numerous exceptions to this routine, all described in this section.

Aela wears a set of ancient Nord armor, with matching pairs of gauntlets and boots. She is equipped with a Skyforge steel dagger and a hunting bow supplemented with 100 iron arrows. She carries a torch and a key to Whiterun's main gates.

Aela will readily provide lots of background information, including why she joined the Companions: "My mother was a Companion. And her mother. And all the women in my family, back to Hrotti Blackblade. I stayed with my father in the woods until I was old enough for my Trial. We hunted everything there was to hunt. Good training. Ma didn't live long enough to see me join, but I fight to honor her and all my Shield-Sisters through time." She will also tell you what it means to be a Companion: "It means resting your haunches in Whiterun more than I care to, for one. But when it comes time to draw blood, there's no one in Skyrim I'd rather have at my back. It means waking up every day knowing that you could die, and having to earn your life by clawing for every breath. I don't know how those cozy lords manage to drag themselves out of bed every day. Why bother if you're not living?" Lastly, she will share her thoughts on the civil war: "Kodlak says not to worry about it. I worry that a bunch of snowberries are out there earning glory while we stay out of it. But I will follow the old man's lead. As ever."

Related Quests[edit]

Companions Questline

Companion Radiant Quests

Other Quests

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Meet the Companions[edit]

Aela fights the giant
"Ysgramor himself wouldn't have the patience to deal with all the rabble around here."

Once you have survived the unexpected dragon attack on Helgen, and have talked with either Alvor or Gerdur in Riverwood, you are supposed to go warn Jarl Balgruuf the Greater. Balgruuf rules Whiterun, so the map marker will point you there. However, if you happen to pass by Pelagia Farm on your way, you will witness three Companions battling a giant amid the crops. You can participate in the battle or you can watch from a distance, as the giant will always be defeated.

After the battle, Aela will seek you out and introduce herself, her greeting differing depending on whether or not you chose to help them out: "Well, that's taken care of. No thanks to you." or "You handle yourself well. You could make for a decent Shield-Brother/Sister." If you didn't help them battle the giant, two options are now available. Answering Aela by saying they didn't look like they needed help will make her respond: "Certainly not. But a true warrior would have relished the opportunity to take on a giant. That's why I'm here with my Shield-Brothers." Answering by saying you tried your best will net you another lesson: "Ha. Another milk drinker crying about his effort. Glory only awaits those who triumph. And as Companions, our glory must always be hard-fought." This will land you in the exact same spot in the conversation as if you've helped them, so ask the next question and Aela will explain: "An outsider, eh? Never heard of the Companions? An order of warriors. We are brothers and sisters in honor. And we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough." If you tell her that it 'sounds like a waste of time' she will respond: "Well nobody asked you. If you think you're better than we are, go talk to Kodlak Whitemane. See what a warrior of true mettle is like." If you ask her if it is possible to join the Companions, she will point you towards Harbinger Kodlak Whitemane: "Not for me to say. You'll have to talk to Kodlak Whitemane up in Jorrvaskr. The old man's got a good sense for people. He can look in your eyes and tell your worth. If you go to him, good luck." This triggers the objective Speak with the leader of the Companions and a map marker will point you towards Whiterun. At this point, the three warriors will leave Pelagius Farm and head towards Whiterun, the other two members being Farkas and newcomer Ria.

Whether or not you met Aela and her fellow Companions near the farm, locate the legendary mead hall Jorrvaskr in Whiterun and enter to the unexpected sight of a typical day for the proud, but thirsty, warriors. All of them will be gathered around a drunken brawl between Njada Stonearm and Athis, Aela included, shouting encouraging words at the two youngsters. Once the fight is over, everybody will go their separate ways and Aela will do the same, although she will greet you with: "If you wish to hunt with me, your feet need to be quick, and your eyes quicker." She will also comment on the current members and their lack of respect: "Ysgramor himself wouldn't have the patience to deal with all the rabble around here." Lastly, she may say: "Blood running hot?" or "Are you on the hunt?" Whether or not you met her near Pelagia Farm, asking her if you can join the Companions while she is inside Jorrvaskr will net you: "We don't just take in any milk drinker who stumbles in. Talk to Kodlak if you think you have what it takes to be a Companion."

Take Up Arms[edit]

"So the old man thinks you've got some heart, I guess."

During the Companions initiation quest Take Up Arms, Eorlund Gray-Mane will ask you to give Aela a shield: "I've been working on a shield for Aela. My wife is in mourning and I need to get back to her soon. I'd be much obliged if you could take this to Aela for me." At this point, Aela will be in her room in the living quarters, along with fellow hunter Skjor. When you hand her the shield, her reply will differ depending on whether or not you met her back at Pelagia Farm. If you didn't meet her she will say: "Ah, good. I've been waiting for this. Are you new here?" If you met her but refused to initiate the quest she will instead say: "Ah, good. I've been waiting for this. Good to see you made it up here." If you accepted her quest, she will say: "Ah, good. I've been waiting for this. Wait... I remember you. So the old man thinks you've got some heart, I guess." At this point, Skjor will chime in, and his opening statement will also differ:

Skjor: "You know this one? I saw him/her training in the yard with Vilkas." OR "I told you, this is the whelp that Vilkas mentioned."
Aela: "Ah, yes. I heard you gave him quite a thrashing."
Skjor: "Don't let Vilkas catch you saying that."

Aela will then turn around and ask a surprising question: "Do you think you could handle Vilkas in a real fight?" Two options are available; either say you don't care for boasting or tell her that you could kill him before he could even draw his sword. The former option will make her respond: "Ah, a man of action." or, if you play as a female: "Ah, a woman who lets her actions speak for her. I knew there was something I liked about you." The latter option will make her say: "Woah, ease up there. We're rough, but there's no need to kill a Shield-Brother over a dispute. I like your fire, though. You'll make a fierce Companion. Let us hunt together sometime." Both responses will lead to this: "Here, let's have Farkas show you where you'll be resting your head." Skjor will then shout after Farkas, who will come rushing into the room and participate in the conversation, again with different dialogue depending on your actions at the farm:

Farkas: "Did you call me?"
Aela: "Of course we did, icebrain. Show this new blood where the rest of the whelps sleep."
Farkas: "New blood? Oh, I remember you. Come on, follow me." OR "New blood? Oh, hello. I'm Farkas. Come, follow me."

When he walks you to the quarters for the new whelps, he will explain: "Skjor and Aela like to tease me, but they are good people. They challenge us to be our best." After showing you to your room, he will say: "Come to me or Aela if you're looking for work." When approaching Aela, she will now greet you with: "I've heard you may actually be stronger than you look. Perhaps we can hunt together someday." Finishing Take Up Arms starts the first wave of radiant quests and you are required to complete at least one to progress further in the Companions quest line:

Radiant Quests I[edit]

This starts the first wave of radiant quests and you are required to complete at least one to progress further in the Companions quest line. Aela will be able to provide the following two quests, and will comment accordingly:

Quest Task Aela's response Upon returning (three variants)
Animal Extermination A "A citizen of [town]/Skyrim has asked for our help. It seems that a predator has invaded their home, and someone needs to clear the beast out." NO: "You're not afraid, are you? Of animals? Come back when you find your spine."
YES: "Be cautious. Beasts are not nearly as predictable as men. Give the thing a quick death."
"Good work. A simple job, but it keeps the coin rolling in. Here's your share." or
"I'm sure that the owner of that place is relieved. They certainly came through with the coin." or
"Well done. Here's your gold."
Animal Extermination B "The Jarl of [hold name] has asked for our help. It seems that predators have taken up residence and have been attacking farmers and travelers. Someone's got to head out there and take care of the beasts." NO: "Unfortunate, but someone else will take care of it."
YES: "Good. I knew that we could count on you. It's simply a beast, but be cautious. The beasts of Skyrim are made of sterner stuff than most."
"Good work. The mindless cretins didn't stand a chance." or
"Not bad, not bad. The intensity of the hunt is special, isn't it?" or
"Good to hear. Have your share of the pay."

Once you have completed a radiant quest, Aela will point you towards Skjor. When asked what he wants, Aela will reply: "He didn't say, but you'd better move fast. There's probably something I could find for you to do, but best to check with him." This starts the next quest in the Companions quest line, namely Proving Honor. Aela is not involved with the quest (although she was intended to be, see this section), but will stand in the Circle when you return from Dustman's Cairn, ready to participate in your formal initiation into the Companions. However, she will return full-force for the quest The Silver Hand.

The Silver Hand[edit]

Skjor shares the blood of the wolf

When asked for more jobs at this time, Aela will have no more radiant quests and will instead say: "Still eager to please. This is good. Skjor may be right about you. He has something special planned for you. Better talk to him." When you talk to Skjor, he will ask you to meet him at the Underforge in the evening. At 6pm both Aela and Skjor will head towards the secret entrance to the Underforge, patiently awaiting your arrival. If Aela has yet to arrive, Skjor will inform you that: "Aela will be joining us shortly. Once she's inside, we can follow." Aela will then disappear into the rock underneath the Skyforge and you can follow Skjor inside. In the Underforge, a werewolf will stand next to a huge fountain, and Skjor will start to explain what is going on: "I'm glad you came. It's been a long time since we had a heart like yours among our numbers. That pitiful ceremony behind the hall does not befit warriors like us. You are due more honor than some calls and feasting." He will then point towards the werewolf and reveal that it is, in fact, Aela: "I would hope you recognize Aela, even in this form. She's agreed to be your forebear." He will then proceed to explain: "We do this in secret because Kodlak is too busy trying to throw away this great gift we've been granted. He thinks we've been cursed. But we've been blessed. How can something that gives this kind of prowess be a curse? So we take matters into our own hands. To reach the heights of the Companions, you must join with us in the shared blood of the wolf."

Once you accept the blood ritual, Skjor will draw his weapon, grab Aela's paw, and cut into it while holding it over the fountain. When it is filled with blood, you will have no choice but to activate it, which will make you lose consciousness and wake up as a werewolf, with Beast Form added. After a bit of time, you will wake up in an entirely different location and Aela will be standing next to you, worried: "Are you awake? I was starting to think you might never come back. Yours was not an easy transformation. But you're still alive, so congratulations. We even have a celebration planned for you. There's a pack of werewolf hunters camped nearby, at Gallows Rock. The Silver Hand. I think you've met them before. We're going to slaughter them. All of them. Lead on. Skjor's already scouting ahead." At this point, you can choose from among no fewer than five questions to make her explain:

What just happened?
"You were born into the pack, brother/sister. I almost envy you. That first time is always the most... intense. You gave us even more trouble than Farkas did at his first turning."
Am I a werewolf now?
"You have the blood of the wolf in you. You'll need to build up your strength before you can call on it again, though.. Just be careful where you do it. Some cowards in this land can't stand the sight of glory before them."
What does it mean to be a werewolf?
"Nothing, until you choose to use it. Then, well... you got a taste. Stronger, faster. It doesn't last long, though. The blood of your foes can sustain you. If you're willing to feed."
Is there a cure?
"Cure? Hah. You're sounding like the old man. I... shouldn't say that. I love Kodlak. I respect and follow him. But he's wrong on this. It's no curse. We're made into the greatest hunters in the land. If he's worried about some mead-swilling afterlife in Sovngarde, he's free to pursue it. I'll take the glories of the hunt right here."
Where are we going?
"The Silver Hand have taken over the old fort at Gallows Rock. They always make such easy prey."
"This poor sod could have been anyone."

As you enter Gallows Rock, Aela will take a look around the first room and comment on the iron gate blocking the path ahead: "Look at this. Cowards must have locked the place down after Skjor charged in. You can taste the fear." You can now ask her what this place is, and she will explain: "Old fort. Abandoned for years. They're like jackals, making their home anywhere they can find." In the second room, examine the small chamber to the east and find a dead werewolf nailed to the wall. Aela will comment: "There's a dead one, isn't there. Thought so. Nobody we know, by the smell. Some can't separate the animal from themselves. Go feral. This poor sod could have been anyone. We should keep moving." In the next area are several cells with more dead werewolves: "Nothing we can do for these ones now. Don't even want to think about what those cretins did to them before they died." She may also comment: "No surprise they keep vermin around. Filthy squalor."

As you are about to enter the final room, Aela will start to warn you about what is ahead: "We're getting close now. Be careful. Their leader is a tricky one. They call him/her 'the Skinner.' I don't think I need to tell you why." When Krev the Skinner attacks, along with his/her compatriots, Aela will help you fight him/her. After the battle, she realizes what is wrong as Skjor lies dead on the floor: "The bastards... somehow they managed to kill Skjor. He was one of the strongest we had, but numbers can overwhelm. He should not have come without a Shield-Brother. Get out of here. I'm going to make sure we got the last of them, and see if there's any information to be gotten from the bodies. You and I have work to do. The Silver Hand will tremble at our sight." You can either ask her for a job right away or follow her order and leave Gallows Rock. Three new radiant quests are now available back in Jorrvaskr and you will have to complete two of them before you can initiate the next quest, Blood's Honor.

When Aela gets back to Jorrvaskr, she will greet you in new ways, ensuring you that the secret is safe: "I've been running interference for you around here. I don't think anyone's caught on to our little campaign. Yet.", "Have you been bringing the battle to the Silver Hand, friend? I wish I could be there with you. Soon enough.", "I hope the hunting goes well, brother/sister. We've got the cowards on their heels now." Her second wave of radiant quests will also be available, both of them including her arch-enemies, the Silver Hand:

Radiant Quests II[edit]

Quest Task Upon returning
Retrieval "The Silver Hand has been scouring the world for more pieces of Wuuthrad. One group has hidden out in [hold name]. Get it back, for the honor of us all." "Another piece of glory. Good work, Shield-Brother/Shield-Sister."
Stealing Plans "Good that you're so eager. I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around [hold name]. If you can sneak into their camp and steal his/her plans, we'll have the advantage." "Perfect. Hopefully this will let us know more about their movement. I think we've got them on the run!"
Striking the Heart "I've been hearing rumors of Silver Hand activity. A group of them has holed up in [hold name]." "Excellent. Looks like you've really driven them into hiding. Keep this up. We'll wipe them out, yet."

Blood's Honor[edit]

"Make 'em bleed."

When you ask her for more work, she will reveal that Companions Harbinger Kodlak Whitemane wants to have a word with you. Aela is understandably worried: "And there is more work to be done, but I fear that Kodlak's gotten wind of our recent efforts. He's asked to see you. My advice? Always be honest with the old man, but don't tell him anything he doesn't need to know." This starts the quest Blood's Honor and Aela will walk away, forcing you to go talk to Kodlak on your own. As it turns out, Aela was correct and Kodlak will imply that you have been busy lately. While he will ask you to stop avenging Skjor's death, he also has something else on his mind, namely to rid him of his lycanthropy by claiming a Glenmoril Witch Head (see this article for details).

When you return from the Glenmoril Coven, there will be an uproar in Whiterun, as Jorrvaskr has been attacked by the Silver Hand in your absence. You will find Aela outside, along with Torvar, both of them with dead Silver Hand warriors at their feet. Aela will comment: "These two aren't a problem anymore." When you enter Jorrvaskr, it turns out that Kodlak Whitemane was killed during the attack. This starts the next quest, Purity of Revenge. When you head down the stairs, Aela only has one request: "Make 'em bleed."

Glory of the Dead[edit]

Once you return to Whiterun, Vilkas will tell you to head up to the Skyforge and participate in Kodlak's funeral. Up there, all Companions, as well as many of the townsfolk, will be gathered around the forge where Kodlak's body lies, ready to be burned the traditional way. After a bit of silence, Eorlund Gray-Mane will say: "Who will start?" and Aela will volunteer: "I'll do it."

"Before the ancient flame..."
Aela: "Before the ancient flame..."
Everyone: "We grieve."
Eorlund: "At this loss..."
Everyone: "We weep."
Vilkas: "For the fallen..."
Everyone: "We shout."
Farkas: "And for ourselves..."
Everyone: "We take our leave."

Once the ritual is over, Aela will approach the forge and use a torch to light the fire and stand for a moment, staring into the flames. She will then turn around and speak: "His spirit is departed. Members of the Circle, let us withdraw to the Underforge, to grieve our last together." After you have spoken to Eorlund, Aela will turn around and head towards the Underforge along with the other members of the Circle and will only say: "Not now." when approached. Once you have delivered the last of the fragments to Eorlund, enter the Underforge.

"Just because something is, doesn't mean it must be."

Vilkas: "The old man had one wish before he died. And he didn't get it. It's as simple as that."
Aela: "Being moon-born is not so much of a curse as you might think, Vilkas."
Vilkas: "That's fine for you. But he wanted to be clean. He wanted to meet Ysgramor and know the glories of Sovngarde. But all that was taken from him."
Aela: "And you avenged him."
Farkas: "Kodlak did not care for vengeance."
Vilkas: "No, Farkas, he didn't. And that's not what this is about. We should be honoring Kodlak, no matter our own thoughts on the blood."
Aela: "You're right. It's what he wanted, and he deserved to have it."
Vilkas: "Kodlak used to speak of a way to cleanse his soul, even in death. You know the legends of the Tomb of Ysgramor."
Aela: "There the souls of the Harbingers will heed the call of northern steel. We can't even enter the tomb without Wuuthrad, and it's in pieces, like it has been for a thousand years."

At this point, Eorlund Gray-Mane will enter and say:

Eorlund: "And dragons were just stories. And the elves once ruled Skyrim. Just because something is, doesn't mean it must be. The blade is a weapon. A tool. Tools are meant to be broken. And repaired."
Vilkas: "Is that? Did you repair the blade?"
Eorlund: "This is the first time I've had all the pieces, thanks to our Shield-Brother/Shield-Sister here. "The flames of a hero can reforge the shattered." The flames of Kodlak shall fuel the rebirth of Wuuthrad. And now it will take you to meet him once more."

Eorlund will then trust you with Wuuthrad and tell the three members of the Circle to head to Ysgramor's Tomb immediately. Aela will set off at a running pace and yell: "For Kodlak!" She will then run all the way to Ysgramor's Tomb, a journey that will take her an entire in-game day. After exiting Whiterun, she heads east and passes all the farms and the watchtower, then turns east and north towards Dawnstar. After running through the main street of Dawnstar, she will take the eastern path past Nightcaller Temple and cross the snowy tundra all the way to the entrance of Ysgramor's Tomb, where she will enter right away. When you arrive, you will find Aela, Farkas, and Vilkas gathered in the first chamber near the Ysgramor statue. Once you have returned Wuuthrad to Ysgramor, Aela will draw her weapon and follow you through the many tunnels, determined to do what is right and ensure Kodlak will have the afterlife he wanted. She will help you fight the numerous Companion ghosts, even after Farkas admits to a bad case of arachnophobia as soon as you enter a huge den filled with frostbite spiders. Once you activate the Flame of the Harbinger, she will help you fight the wolf spirit, thus helping Kodlak to get free from Hircine and enter Sovngarde.

Afterwards, the quest will be complete and a happy Aela will start to greet you differently: "You're someone who can get things done. I like that." She will then be puzzled about Kodlak's last words: "Did I hear right? Did he say you were to lead the Companions?" If asked if that upsets her, she will apologize: "I'm just surprised. But your strength and honor are apparent to all." If you tell her that she heard right, she will say: "You've earned the right. Your strength and honor are apparent to all." Both options will end with her saying: "And it's my honor to be first to address you as Harbinger. Let's go tell the others." She will, however, stay in the room a bit longer. Three options are available to you:

Kodlak said I should lead the Companions now.
"I'll be honest, I wouldn't have expected it. But that may just be because I remember when you were just a whelp who was begging to join. The old man trusted you, so I'll trust you."
Are you going back to Jorrvaskr?
"Eventually. But this... this is the Tomb of Ysgramor. I think I'm just going to... commune for a bit. This place is worthy of some time. You go on ahead. I'll see you back there."
I cured Kodlak.
"And that's exactly what the old man wanted. I'm glad we could give it to him."

Aela will then stay behind in the tomb, but will now be available as a follower, as well as a potential spouse. She will now add the last set of new greetings: "Do you have guidance for me, Harbinger?" and "Blood on the wind today. Good hunt ahead of us." She will, however, have one final quest ready for you, as well as randomly offering you all her old radiant quests for some extra gold. The new quest is called Totems of Hircine.

Totems of Hircine[edit]

Aela prays to the Totem

When she finally returns from Ysgramor's Tomb, all her radiant quests will be available, although it is up to Aela which one you get. If you get the unique option 'Is there any work to be done?', her final radiant quest will be available and she will say: "Harbinger, I'd be honored if you joined me in my search. I had once heard Skjor and Kodlak talking about the Totems of Hircine. Simple-looking objects that could channel the powers of the werewolf in new directions. Once Kodlak began looking for his cure, I'd wager Skjor didn't bring it up again. But I was going through his things and found a book I had never seen before. All about the Totems. I've been talking to my sources around the holds, and think I may have heard where one of them lives. Want to come along?" If you refuse, she will be overly disappointed, saying: "And here I figured you as one who enjoyed our special gifts. I guess I was wrong." If you accept she will say, "We hunt together.", starting the Totems of Hircine quest. As you travel together, she will greet you with: "The spirit of Skjor is with us on this errand. I feel him.", "Hircine will bless us for finding his Totem." or "Let's find that Totem, Shield-Brother/Shield-Sister." Once you have picked up the Werewolf Totem, Aela will immediately ask: "Do you have it?" When you show it to her, she will be happy: "That definitely matches the description of the totem from Skjor's old book. Let's get it to the Underforge." If you try and talk to her on the way back, she will reject you: "This is not the time for talk. Let's get to the Underforge and see what this can do." Back in the Underforge, place the Totem of the Hunt in the receptacle, and watch as Aela starts to pray in front of it. This completes the first part of the quest.

The second part of the quest can be initiated through the same dialogue option as described above. When asked for work, Aela will say: "Harbinger, I'd be honored if you joined me in my search. I think I've located another one of the Totems. Come with me, and we'll write ourselves into their history. Want to come along?" Once again, travel to a radiant location and claim the Totem. Return to Whiterun and the Underforge and place the Totem of Brotherhood on the receptacle. Once again, Aela will kneel down before it and start praying.

The third and final part of the quest is initiated as usual. Aela will say: "Harbinger, I'd be honored if you joined me in my search. I've finally tracked down the last of the Totems, I think. The information wasn't easy to come by, but everyone has a price. And a pain threshold. Want to come along?" Travel to the radiant place and claim the last Totem, then return to the Underforge and place it on the receptacle. This turns it into the Totem of Fear, Aela will pray as always, and the quest will be completed.


Outside her quest involvement, a normal day in Jorrvaskr also includes a few random conversations with the other members, assuming they are still alive:

SR-npc-Aela the Huntress 11.jpg
Aela and Skjor

Skjor: "All these younglings scampering around."
Aela: "Worried one of them is going to take your place?"
Skjor: "Some of them might try. But that's not what I'm worried about."
Aela: "What then?"
Skjor: "That they might get themselves killed."
Aela: "By you?"
Skjor: "They should be so lucky."

Skjor: "Are you prepared for tonight's hunt?"
Aela: "I've been thinking we need to be more... discreet."
Skjor: "There's nothing wrong with what we're doing."
Aela: "You know the old man doesn't like it. Let's just not be too obvious."

Aela: "You wanted to see me?"
Kodlak: "I worry that you've been spending too many nights out."
Aela: "Where I go is my business. If you have a concern about my honor, bring it before the Circle."
Kodlak: "You forget yourself, young one."
Aela: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. Just... these hunters. We're all on edge."
Kodlak: "That's why it's best to not mistake foolhardiness for bravery."

Kodlak: "How goes the hunt?"
Aela: "Skjor's heard rumors of a bear the size of a mammoth in Hammerfell. We're going to seek it out."
Kodlak: "What glorious prey. Come back alive, and with stories to tell!"
Aela: "Always."

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Aela and Kodlak
SR-npc-Aela the Huntress 15.jpg
Aela and Njada

Njada: "I've heard some rumors... about you and Skjor."
Aela: "And if you want to keep having ears, you'll pretend you didn't."
Njada: "Is it not allowed?"
Aela: "It's not exactly forbidden, but even so... it's not true. So that's that."

Aela: "How do you manage to hold your ground like that?"
Njada: "You have to remember, it's not about strength. It's about leverage."
Aela: "But strength doesn't hurt."
Njada: "Well, no. I'm just saying there's more to defense than muscle."


If you have cured yourself of lycanthropy, there is no way to regain it in the base game. However, the Dawnguard add-on provides a one-time opportunity to restore your lycanthropy by speaking to Aela.

After being cured of lycanthropy, simply find Aela and speak with her. You will have the option to tell her you wish to regain the gift of beast blood. She will respond, "Do you, now? Hircine doesn't usually bestow his favor on the fickle. But you've proven your worth. I'm willing to try. Are you ready now?" If you tell her you need more time to prepare yourself, she will end the conversation by answering, "Go. Reconsider your plight." If you then return to her you can go through the conversation again, and it will continue as before. When you choose to tell her you are ready, she simply says "Hold still, then." Your screen will turn black for a second, then a magical aura will circle around you and a message will appear on the top left of your screen stating "Beast Blood Added". The conversation is now over, and if you choose to cure your lycanthropy again, there will not be another chance for Aela to restore it.

  • It's possible to make the option to regain the gift of beast blood reappear by typing resetquest xx00F899 in the console.


  • Outside the Companions quest line, Aela can be met randomly in the wilderness of Eastmarch, hunting for game. If you have yet to initiate Take Up Arms, she will hunt along with Skjor and Njada Stonearm. After completing Glory of the Dead, Aela will only hunt with Njada Stonearm.
  • She is the only member of the Circle that won't cure her lycanthropy after the quest line.
  • Although her default gear is governed by the Heavy Armor skill, Aela is actually more proficient in Light Armor.
  • Aela is in the faction GuardFaction. This makes her chase you on sight when you have a high bounty in any given hold.
  • She would have also given you the unfinished radiant quest Animal Pelt Collection but this quest was omitted from the final cut for unknown reasons.
  • Aela has a rare dialogue choice that can occur if Proving Honor is completed to the point where you witness Farkas become a werewolf, but then leave Dustman's Cairn before completing the quest, and then talk to her, where she can be asked "What's it like being a werewolf?" and she replies "You shouldn't even know about that. Remember, you're not a full Companion yet, whelp. Know your place." In the base game, it is impossible to speak to Aela both after knowing Farkas is a werewolf and before becoming a full-member of the companions. This dialogue can occur in the Special Edition.
  • Aela the Huntress appears in both human and werewolf form in the Heroes of Skyrim card expansion for Legends. She also appears as a daily quest giver for the Companions.


Aela standing over Skjor's corpse
  • With Dawnguard installed and after having completed the first stage of Blood's Honor, she should introduce you to the werewolf perk tree, but instead repeats the first bit of dialogue ("Something has shifted in the moons, brother/sister.") as you walk nearby.
    • On PC This can by fixed by typing stopquest xx00f711 in the console, where "xx" is determined by the load order of your add-ons/mods (typically "02" or "03").
  • Aela was supposed to have different dialogue as your progress through the Totems of Hircine quest, specifically "That's it! That's the second Totem. Quickly, let's put it back with the other one." and "At last... the final Totem is ours. Let's go complete our set." Due to an oversight, she will always use the dialogue meant for the first Totem.

Missing Dialogue[edit]

According to the game files, Aela was supposed to be an alternative shield-sister on your venture through Dustman's Cairn during the quest Proving Honor. Why she was skipped is unknown, but Farkas will always tag along for the journey. Aela was supposed to have different, and slightly more informative, dialogue than Farkas:

Who was this scholar?
"One of those icebrains who wanders the land getting people's hopes up. From my view, I don't think we'll find anything here. You'd better hope there's still a chance for you to prove yourself, though, or this Trial might last longer than you'd like."
What was that?
"Come on now, you're a sharp one. You must have heard of werewolves before. It's a blessing given to the most honored of the Companions. Now let's move. I think that was the last of the Silver Hand, but still plenty of draugr for the both of us."
You're going to make me a werewolf?
"No, only members of the Circle get this blessing. Right now we're just seeing if you're worth keeping around."
The Companions are werewolves?
"Not all of us, just the members of the Circle. We shouldn't be talking about this anyway."
You're going to be my Shield-Sister?
"So I'm told. Try and keep up."
I'll meet you at Dustman's Cairn.
"Don't delay, Shield-Brother/Shield-Sister."
Who are the Silver Hand?
"A group of werewolf hunters who have gotten wise to our little secret. They've made it their mission to hunt us down, but we are hunters ourselves."
What is Wuuthrad?
"It was the blade hefted by Ysgramor when he returned to drive the elves out of the old Skyrim. Without that axe, this whole land would be overrun still."
Why did Skjor call this my Trial?
"I would hope that's obvious. Do well here, and you'll be a full member of the Companions. Fail, and it won't matter anyway."

"I hope you've readied yourself."
"Shor's bones... how did they find this place?"
"This looks like the guardian chamber. The key to that door has to be around here somewhere."
"You're going to regret this."
"We should keep moving."
"Looks like someone's been digging here. And recently."
"Be careful around the burial stones. I don't want to haul you back to Jorrvaskr on my back."
"Ah, the ceremonial juncture. The old Nords used to do sacrifices here. Look around for a way to open those bars."
""Every door has a key," says Vilkas. Sometimes he is wrong, but look around anyway."
"Now look what you've gotten yourself into. No worries. Just sit tight. I'll find the release."
"None of you will be alive to tell it."
"I'm... I'm sorry you had to see that."
"We need to get back to Jorrvaskr."