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Online:Powdered Mother of Pearl

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Powdered Mother of Pearl
Powdered Mother of Pearl
Alchemy Effects
1st Lingering Health Lingering Health
2nd Speed Speed
3rd Vitality Vitality
4th Protection Protection

Powdered Mother of Pearl is an alchemy ingredient which can be found on Summerset Isle. They are a common drop in shell troves from completing Abyssal Geysers, and can also be found in giant clams, a node type only found on the beach, or in a Pyandonean Bottle you find while fishing.


Two Reagents[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with: Side Effect
Lingering Health Lingering Health Butterfly Wing Vitality Vitality
Dragon's Blood
Scrib Jelly Speed Speed
Spider Egg
Speed Speed Blessed Thistle
Dragon Rheum
Namira's Rot
Scrib Jelly Lingering Health Lingering Health
Vitality Vitality Beetle Scuttle Protection Protection
Butterfly Wing Lingering Health Lingering Health
Dragon's Blood
Fleshfly Larva
Torchbug Thorax
Protection Protection Beetle Scuttle Vitality Vitality
Mudcrab Chitin
Vile Coagulant

Three Reagents[edit]

This chart lists only combinations in which two or more of Powdered Mother of Pearl's effects are present.

Desired Effects Combine with: Side Effect(s)
Lingering Health Lingering Health Speed Speed Beetle Scuttle Scrib Jelly Vitality Vitality
Blessed Thistle Butterfly Wing Vitality Vitality
Blessed Thistle Dragon's Blood Restore Stamina Restore Stamina
Blessed Thistle Scrib Jelly Speed Speed (triple)
Blue Entoloma Scrib Jelly Ravage Magicka Ravage Magicka
Butterfly Wing Dragon Rheum Vitality Vitality
Butterfly Wing Namira's Rot Vitality Vitality
Butterfly Wing Scrib Jelly Lingering Health Lingering Health (triple)
Vitality Vitality
Dragon Rheum Dragon's Blood Heroism Heroism
Dragon Rheum Scrib Jelly Speed Speed (triple)
Dragon's Bile Scrib Jelly Vitality Vitality
Dragon's Blood Namira's Rot
Dragon's Blood Scrib Jelly Lingering Health Lingering Health (triple)
Emetic Russula Scrib Jelly Ravage Magicka Ravage Magicka
Namira's Rot Scrib Jelly Speed Speed (triple)
Scrib Jelly Violet Coprinus Ravage Magicka Ravage Magicka
Scrib Jelly White Cap Ravage Magicka Ravage Magicka
Lingering Health Lingering Health Vitality Vitality Beetle Scuttle Butterfly Wing Vitality Vitality (triple)
Protection Protection
Beetle Scuttle Scrib Jelly Speed Speed
Blessed Thistle Butterfly Wing Speed Speed
Blue Entoloma Butterfly Wing Restore Health Restore Health
Bugloss Butterfly Wing Restore Health Restore Health
Butterfly Wing Columbine Restore Health Restore Health
Butterfly Wing Dragon Rheum Speed Speed
Butterfly Wing Dragon's Bile Vitality Vitality (triple)
Butterfly Wing Luminous Russula Restore Health Restore Health
Butterfly Wing Mountain Flower Restore Health Restore Health
Butterfly Wing Namira's Rot Speed Speed
Butterfly Wing Nirnroot Uncertainty Uncertainty
Butterfly Wing Scrib Jelly Lingering Health Lingering Health (triple)
Speed Speed
Butterfly Wing Torchbug Thorax Vitality Vitality (triple)
Butterfly Wing Water Hyacinth Restore Health Restore Health
Dragon's Bile Scrib Jelly Speed Speed
Lingering Health Lingering Health Protection Protection Beetle Scuttle Butterfly Wing Vitality Vitality (triple)
Beetle Scuttle Dragon's Blood
Beetle Scuttle Spider Egg
Butterfly Wing Mudcrab Chitin
Dragon's Blood Mudcrab Chitin
Mudcrab Chitin Spider Egg
Speed Speed Vitality Vitality Beetle Scuttle Blessed Thistle Protection Protection
Beetle Scuttle Dragon Rheum Protection Protection
Beetle Scuttle Namira's Rot Protection Protection
Beetle Scuttle Scrib Jelly Lingering Health Lingering Health
Blessed Thistle Butterfly Wing Lingering Health Lingering Health
Blessed Thistle Dragon's Bile
Blessed Thistle Fleshfly Larva
Blessed Thistle Torchbug Thorax
Butterfly Wing Dragon Rheum Lingering Health Lingering Health
Butterfly Wing Namira's Rot Lingering Health Lingering Health
Butterfly Wing Scrib Jelly Lingering Health Lingering Health (triple)
Dragon Rheum Dragon's Bile Heroism Heroism
Dragon Rheum Fleshfly Larva
Dragon Rheum Torchbug Thorax Enervation Enervation
Dragon's Bile Namira's Rot Invisible Invisible
Dragon's Bile Scrib Jelly Lingering Health Lingering Health
Fleshfly Larva Namira's Rot
Fleshfly Larva Scrib Jelly
Namira's Rot Torchbug Thorax
Scrib Jelly Torchbug Thorax Lingering Health Lingering Health
Speed Speed Protection Protection Beetle Scuttle Blessed Thistle Vitality Vitality
Beetle Scuttle Dragon Rheum Vitality Vitality
Beetle Scuttle Namira's Rot Vitality Vitality
Blessed Thistle Mudcrab Chitin
Blessed Thistle Nightshade Ravage Health Ravage Health
Dragon Rheum Mudcrab Chitin
Dragon Rheum Nightshade
Mudcrab Chitin Namira's Rot
Namira's Rot Nightshade
Vitality Vitality Protection Protection Beetle Scuttle Blessed Thistle Speed Speed
Beetle Scuttle Butterfly Wing Lingering Health Lingering Health
Vitality Vitality (triple)
Beetle Scuttle Dragon Rheum Speed Speed
Beetle Scuttle Imp Stool Increase Armor Increase Armor
Beetle Scuttle Lady's Smock Breach Breach
Beetle Scuttle Mountain Flower Increase Armor Increase Armor
Beetle Scuttle Namira's Rot Speed Speed
Beetle Scuttle Torchbug Thorax Vitality Vitality (triple)
Beetle Scuttle Violet Coprinus Breach Breach


Powdered Mother of Pearl is also used in one Provisioning recipe:


  • During beta, the effects of this reagent were changed in order to prevent 4-effect combinations. The original effects were:
  • The icon for the ingredient was originally intended for the Sapphire Stardust style material, the unrefined version of Star Sapphires, but the material was not implemented. The icon is also identical to the one used for Frost Embers.