Oblivion:A Stranger

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project.
The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines.
Quests: written by S'drassa (in-game), checked by Vulpa (in-game)

Schedule: written by S'drassa (in-game)

Services: written by Corevette789 (In-Game), checked by S'drassa (CS)

Personal Inventory: written by S'drassa (in-game), checked by mxk101 (CS)

House Contents: written by GK (lives in Anvil Abandoned House), checked by Helenaannevalentine

Unique Dialogue: written by S'drassa (in-game)

Rumors: written by S'drassa (in-game)(none), Forfeit (CS)

Faction: written by N/A (already written), checked by S'drassa (CS)

Spells: written by S'drassa (CS-none), checked by Kalis Agea (CS)
A Stranger
(RefID: 0000C230)
Home City Anvil
House Abandoned House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 40 Class Gray Fox
RefID 0000C230 BaseID 0000A2A5
Other Information
Health 235 Magicka 157
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Essential Until The Ultimate Heist
Faction(s) Anvil Citizen; Thieves Guild Cat Burglar(Cat Burglar Cat Burglar)
A Stranger in the Abandoned House in Anvil

The Stranger is a rather suspicious Imperial and a member of the Thieves Guild, currently living in the shady abandoned house in Anvil. As you may guess from his personality, he's a rather mysterious person that prefers to keep to himself. He will casually dismiss any question about him or the guild and, contrary to his fellow thieves, he doesn't seem very impressed by the Gray Fox.

Like other members of the Thieves Guild, he prefers to live in seclusion and will spend most of each day inside the abandoned building in Anvil. Due to his lack of a bed, he will spend all night wandering aimlessly around the house until early in the morning at 6am, when he will break off this routine to have a short breakfast. During the weekdays he will keep his meal to one hour and depart for Castle Anvil at 7am. Once he has arrived there, he will look for an available seat in the throne room, where he will spend the next few hours. At midday, he will return to the abandoned house to resume his usual routine, taking another break at 6pm to have his second meal of the day.

On Loredas and Sundas he will skip his trip to Castle Anvil and will instead spend the whole day in seclusion wandering around the house, only stopping at 6am and 6pm for two hour meals. The only exception to this schedule is during the subsequent quests that are given to you by the Gray Fox, during which he will switch to his alternate persona to task you with some special assignments and during The Ultimate Heist, when he is finally acknowledged as Corvus Umbranox, the missing Count of Anvil.

The Stranger wears a set of lower-class clothing which consists of a patched vest, sack cloth pants and sack cloth sandals. He is armed with a leveled shortsword (unenchanted) and also carries around a small amount of gold.

If you happen to run into him while you still haven't joined the Thieves Guild, you can ask him about the infamous Gray Fox, to which he'll respond, "He's a most mysterious fellow. In many ways I admire him. Most of the time I just feel sorry for him." However, once you have joined the guild things change, and he will reply with a totally differing attitude:"Everyone wants to know about the Gray Fox. Gray Fox this, Gray Fox that. He's just a man, not a Daedric lord. I've heard it all. They say he's immortal because he's led the Thieves Guild for over 300 years. No-one has ever seen his face because he always wears that gray cowl. Oh, and speaking of the Gray Cowl, did you know he stole it from Nocturnal herself? You'd think he was Saint Nerevar the way they talk about him." If you try to find out more about him, he will simply dismiss you, saying: "I am The Stranger. That is all you need to know. That, and I am no-one to be trifled with."

Related Quests[edit]

Quest Related Events[edit]

Taking Care of Lex[edit]


During your quest to get rid of Hieronymus Lex, you will be directed to him by beggars. If the beggar's disposition toward you is at least 70, they will point you directly to The Stranger, saying: "Well, only because I like you. Look for a man known only as the Stranger. He lives here in Anvil, down the road from the Chapel of Dibella." Otherwise, you will have to pay the beggar 15 gold to learn how to locate the mysterious man: "That will do. Look for a man known only as the Stranger. He lives here in Anvil, near the Mages Guild. He's out and about in the morning, so I would wait until afternoon or evening to go visit him."

The Stranger will greet you with a generic greeting based on disposition. You will then have the opportunity to choose from a handful of topics:

Who are you?
"I am The Stranger. That is all you need to know. That, and I am no-one to be trifled with."
About the Thieves Guild.
"I don't have time to gossip about the guild right now."
Gray Fox.
"The Gray Fox and I are closer than brothers. We share a desire to remain unknown. He's a most mysterious fellow. In many ways I admire him. Most of the time I just feel sorry for him."

The topic which will advance the quest is:

Forge this letter.
"Hmm. Yes, it can be done. I can change it to give Lex the highest recommendation. I'll need a full day to properly forge this letter. Return then. And of course I will expect payment in full at that time."

You will then have to wait for a full day before you are able to receive the forged letter from him. Once twenty four hours have passed, go back and speak to the Stranger again.

If you go back before twenty four hours have passed, he will say:

"Why are you bothering me? It isn't done yet. Now get out of here and let me finish."

After twenty four hours return and choose the topic Forged Letter:

Forged letter.
"Do you have my fee?"

If you do not have the fee, he will dismiss you:

"Then what are you doing here? Come back when you have the money."

Otherwise, the next topic will appear:

Here is your fee.
"Here is the new List of Candidates. Hieronymus Lex has a glowing recommendation."

You may then proceed with the rest of the quest.

The Ultimate Heist[edit]


During the final stage of The Ultimate Heist, The Stranger will be found sitting on a bench in the Castle Anvil Great Hall. If you talk to him, he will give the Gray Fox's typical in-quest reply:

"You should be on your way by now!"

He will be carrying the Gray Fox's standard equipment (but wearing the rings), giving the player a chance to pickpocket his rare-ish boots and cuirass.


  • When sitting in Castle Anvil for the final time at the end of The Ultimate Heist, the Stranger will actually be the NPC The Gray Fox (with his proper RefID of 00014702), but with the name "The Stranger" (as opposed to the usual "A Stranger").