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Nordic weapons are high quality steel weapons enchanted with the runes of the witch-warriors of Skyrim for enhanced effectiveness. The Nords also have a wide variety of different armor types.

The Bloodmoon expansion adds a number of additional Nordic Silver Weapons.


Nordic Light Armor (Fur and Bearskin)
Nordic Medium Armor (Ringmail)
Nordic Heavy Armor (Iron and Trollbone)
  • Light Armor
    • Nordic Fur Armor: By far the most common type of Nordic Armor.
    • Nordic Bearskin Cuirass: This cuirass is identical to the Nordic Fur Cuirass in all but appearance.
  • Medium Armor
    • Nordic Ringmail Cuirass: A less common medium-weight cuirass.
  • Heavy Armor
    • Nordic Iron Armor: This helm and cuirass go well with standard Iron Armor.
    • Nordic Trollbone Armor: A rougher look, this helm, cuirass and shield go well with native Morrowind Bonemold Armor.
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Light Armor
Nordic Fur Armor
Nordic fur armor, male
Nordic fur armor, female
Totals 35.4 550 141 46.1
Nordic Fur Helm Nordic Fur Helm fur_helm 1.5 50 15 5 7.5
Nordic Fur Cuirass Nordic Fur Cuirass fur_cuirass 9.0 150 35 5 6
Nordic Fur Pauldron Nordic Fur Left Pauldron
Nordic Fur Right Pauldron
3.0 50 12 5 1
Nordic Fur Bracer Nordic Fur Left Bracer
Nordic Fur Right Bracer
1.5 25 5 5 6
Nordic Fur Gauntlet Nordic Fur Left Gauntlet
Nordic Fur Right Gauntlet
1.5 25 7 5 6
Nordic Fur Greaves Nordic Fur Greaves fur_greaves 5.4 50 22 5 1
Nordic Fur Boots Nordic Fur Boots fur_boots 6.0 50 10 5 2.6
Nordic Leather Shield Nordic Leather Shield nordic_leather_shield 4.5 100 25 5 15
Nordic Bearskin Armor
Nordic bearskin armor, male
Nordic bearskin armor, female
Nordic Bearskin Cuirass Nordic Bearskin Cuirass fur_bearskin_cuirass 9.0 150 35 5 6
Medium Armor
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Nordic Ringmail Armor
Nordic ringmail armor, male
Nordic ringmail armor, female
Nordic Ringmail Cuirass Nordic Ringmail Cuirass nordic_ringmail_cuirass 21.0 300 80 10 14
Heavy Armor
Name ID Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Nordic Iron Armor
Nordic iron armor, male
Nordic iron armor, female
Nordic Iron Helm Nordic Iron Helm nordic_iron_helm 8.0 160 50 16 25
Nordic Iron Cuirass Nordic Iron Cuirass nordic_iron_cuirass 35.0 480 130 16 20
Nordic Trollbone Armor
Nordic trollbone armor, male
Nordic trollbone armor, female
Nordic Trollbone Helm Nordic Trollbone Helm trollbone_helm 8.0 180 65 18 20
Nordic Trollbone Cuirass Nordic Trollbone Cuirass trollbone_cuirass 32.0 540 165 18 16
Nordic Trollbone Shield Nordic Trollbone Shield trollbone_shield 16.0 360 78 18 40

Special Armor Items[edit]

Nordic Fur Left Gauntlet
Nordic Fur Right Gauntlet
Nordic Fur Helm
Nordic Trollbone Helm


Name ID Weight Health Value Chop Slash Thrust Speed Reach Enchant
Nordic Battle Axe Nordic Battle Axe nordic battle axe 30.0 1,200 60 1 − 30 1 − 30 1 − 4 1.0 1.0 5.5
Nordic Broadsword Nordic Broadsword nordic broadsword 15.0 800 95 6 − 18 2 − 18 2 − 18 1.25 1.0 6
Nordic Claymore Nordic Claymore nordic claymore 30.0 1,600 180 1 − 30 1 − 25 1 − 18 1.25 1.0 10
Nordic weapons

Special Weapon Items[edit]

Nordic Battle Axe
Nordic Broadsword
Nordic Claymore