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Morrowind:Shishi (place)

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(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Almsivi Intervention Gnisis
Divine Intervention Gnisis
Telvanni and Redoran
Console Location Code(s)
Ashlands, [-4,15]

Shishi is a Velothi tower located northwest of Maar Gan that appears to be the stumbling block between Telvanni and Redoran.

A Breton Skull

A House Redoran quest sends you here to kill the remaining rogue Telvanni in the tower and bring back the Shishi Report. The Telvanni counterpart quest sends you here to kill the Redoran intruders.

After surveying the premises, you'll find dead Telvanni and Redoran warriors clad in bonemold armor, but the owner of the tower is more hidden. A careful search reveals Faves Andas in a secret room, accessed by turning a Breton Skull on a table on the upper floor.

Peculiarly, if you belong to House Redoran and enter Shishi without having initiated the Shishi Report quest, Anise Romoran and the other Redoran soldiers may attack you. They can be killed with no penalty in this scenario. This may also happen if you are House Hlaalu or unaffiliated with any great house.

Note: If you do not have either quest activated (House Telvanni or Redoran) or are not a member of any houses, Faves will attack you if encountered in the secret room.

Related Quests[edit]

House Redoran[edit]

House Telvanni[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Aditte Oges Female Breton Spellsword 5 0 20 30 40 Already dead
Amring Male Wood Elf Acrobat 4 0 20 30 90 Already dead
Anise Romoran Female Dark Elf Warrior House Redoran Lawman(Lawman) 17 182 106 30 90
Brerama Selas Male Dark Elf Warrior House Redoran Lawman(Lawman) 17 187 106 30 90 If you are Telvanni, kill him; if Redoran, obtain a report from him.
Celegil Female Wood Elf Archer 4 0 20 30 90 Already dead
Faves Andas Male Dark Elf Sorcerer House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 17 126 176 30 90 If you are Telvanni, help him kill Brerama Selas; if Redoran, kill or just leave him alone.
Indrel Female Wood Elf Monk 5 0 20 30 40 Already dead
Lanie Endre Male Breton Bard 4 0 20 30 70 Already dead
Marielle Amedee Female Breton Healer 4 0 20 30 40 Already dead
Temis Romavel Male Dark Elf Warrior House Redoran Retainer(Retainer) 9 119 92 30 90 If you are Redoran, he will tell you about remaining Telvanni agent.

* Although the dead bodies are supposed to be House Telvanni, technically, they do not belong to the house.


Shishi, interior map